Radical Faerie Church Blog Archive
Today we are pleased to announce the first spin-off project from our cartoon Radical Faerie Church. The working title is " Harry's Ghost." This new strip will feature the ghost of Gay rights pioneer Harry Hay as the primary character. Page # 3 of " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is just about finished and should be posted by the end of Wednesday.
When I draw these strips, music helps set the tone for me, and often a song or album indirectly can get woven into the background fabric of the art that I create, releasing echos. The discogcraphy I've listened to while drawing these strips has been the full runs of Depeche Mode and Pink Floyd. Also John Grant, Sinead Occonor, Dead can Dance, Kraftwerk, etc. The album that helped me focus for page # 3 of " Nomeansyes members meeting badly" was Phillip Glass's " Metamorphosis." For page # 2 of that work it was Pink Floyd's " Atom Hearted Mother." Page #1 would be "Anastasia" by Dead Can Dance.
The why of this site is that it's a generator for new comic strips and concepts. I've drawn comix most my whole life, first got published in the late 1970's. My work was what was then termed " underground." I got published in a series of community and alternative publications, and a handful of books along the way. I even had some of my comix pirated in Sweden. Last year Fantagraphics Books published " No Straight Lines" about Gay cartoonery over the years, including 10 pages of my prior work. The book sold-out and was a hit, and got a Lambda award for best anthology. I had fallen off the cartoon turnip truck over a decade back and had long mused over getting my fingers again stained with fresh ink. Most of the real-paper publications that I had gotten published in just don't exist in spirit or format anymore, it is more an electronic age now. I wanted to create a new series of comix, and I'm using this web page to develop it. What I miss about newspaper comix was the interaction with the audience that would change the work in unforseen directions. To create a comic strip is just the first step. These things come from the personal experience of the artist/storyteller at first, but once loose take on their own life. That's why so many of the strips I'm posting here have different looks in format and characters, why the character's images are often fluid. The 4-panel single strips have been set more in the mundane muggle world. The latest longer feature " Nomeneansyes Members Meeting Badly" that I'm posting here dives down the rabbit hole with the fantastical and magical. Fruit-bats, Daleks in drag, and chicken-dealing death divas are a lot more fun to draw than just the base bastard children of Harry Potter. I've also been experimenting with artistic techniques in this brave new digital world. Way back when, the limitations of photo-offset printing limited how best to draw a work. Detail could either fade out or muddy-up. Now with laser-scanned artwork, it is possible to work in more nuance and emotion of the drawn line itself. I've tried straying from the use of bold outlines, but the work reads differently electronically, so I'm still experimenting. I first drew cartoons about that most curious social sub-set the "Radical Faeries" in the 1980's, and today the faeries are still for me a gold-mine for ideas and inspirations. I'm even adding 3 more pages to the "Meeting Badly" feature because I'm having so much fun with it. I'm also talking with Jerry the Faerie about getting him to write some new strips, he does have some good ideas about future adventures. The goal of course is to get some comic strip out of this in publication or on a cartoon cable network. Thank you all who have been a part of this experiment. Making sausage or comic strips can often not be a very pretty thing. The sound effects although can be hilarious.
I'm in LA this week to see Depeche Mode in concert, and still working on future strips. One future work involves Walla and Honky birthing sacred butt-babies together, the question is whom is the mother? Jerry the Faerie is also working on scripts for upcoming strips. Our second comic strip " Harry's ghost" is still in development, we want to start on a good foundation upon which to build our new comic. " Harry's Ghost" will probably play outside the "Nomeansyes" mythos. We plan to use actual Hay quotes to anchor each strip. I'm really looking forward to getting this new series out. I'd also like to thank again all those whom support our humble efforts here, the readership grows with each month, this site has gotten thousands of hits now. Wow.
Cascade AIDS Project of Portland, OR wants to host a retrospective of my activist art and comix this World AIDS day December 1st. I'm scrambling through 3 decades of archives to cull out the appropriate pieces for the show. I was living in San Francisco as an editorial cartoonist/graphic artist in 1981 when the HIV pandemic first hit big. While sorting through my personal comix archives, I will be adding a lot of my prior work into the Comix Vault here starting tonight. So that's my fun project this week during this season of ghosts. I'm putting the last work into the latest page of " Nomeansyes members meeting Badly," and hope to have it done in the next day or so. This latest page includes the return of Spotted Owl, whom I first started drawing in the late 1980's. This is the fourth comix series now where I've been able to include my little ageless cartoon owl buddy. " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" will now be a 12 page story, and I could go to 15 pages. I have the last two pages written, and can easily expand the story into many directions beforehand.
I have a lot of wall space to fill for my retrospective to be shown by Cascade AIDS Project for World AIDS Day on December the 1st. The show will include my comix, poster art, and other associated graphics going back over 30 years. I'm setting up the staging area in my basement now for what I plan to include, sorting through files and boxes often untouched now for decades. I do come from a long, proud line of pack-rats. I also got a big display window to fill on a major visible downtown Portland Avenue, I'm thinking of highlighting blow -ups of my comix characters from 1981 to those today here in NOMEANSYES. Big promotion possibilities, indeed. I will post more of my historic work up on this site, a benefit from sorting through and cleaning up my archives. I'm still stuck on one panel for the latest page of "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly." It involves Mugghoul and a fruit-bat, and sets up a future storyline where fruit-bats get a go at taking over the Radical Faerie Church for the good of all those who have not evolved into a higher fruit-bat consciousness. I really like drawing fruit-bats.
The Cascade AIDS Project art retrospective has been dominating my free time of late. I've got a large space to fill at an active downtown Portland location, including a display window. I'm thinking of including 30-50 works, all needing to be framed and catalogued, from a 30 year + frame of time. For part of World AIDS day I also get to sit on a panel about AIDS related activism, and CAP is lining up interviews for local media. This will keep me very busy, but I still plan to post new strips here as I'm able. I've also got to get this site set for an onslaught of new viewers that my show will generate.
Today I posted page # 4 of " NOMEANSYES MEMBERS MEETING BADLY," over a month later than when I originally aimed for. I've been quite busy with the art show and other projects, but now am in good shape to continue drawing new stories. "NMMB" will anchor the future collection of NOMEANSYES comic strips, so I'm working the core themes together. "NMMB" will still run 12 to 15 pages, and during my time away from the drawing board I've mapped out the whole story. Starting with this page, I'm posting the original artwork here larger, easier to read and catch those maddening details.
I just got a fancy scanner/printer which will help immensely. My old scanner was limited to 8 by 10, now I can scan artwork at 11 by 17. I like to draw my pages at a larger size, so I was having to reduce my strips on zeroxes and then post them here. Now I can scan the original artwork directly to this site, so better quality. The strips I've been posting in the vault I've been scanning from old zeroxes, now I can get a cleaner image because I can scan directly off the 11 by 17 originals. With the printer I can print on both sides up to 11 by 17, color. When the run of current " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" strips is finished, I'll be able to self-publish a collection of the NOMEANSYES strips to date. The book will be available for purchase here. 2014 looks a good year for our Radical Faerie Church.
Tomorrow I'm part of a public panel about HIV activism, and the show of my work begins on Thursday. If you are in the Portland, Oregon area, this is what the Cascade AIDS Project wrote about it in their newsletter:
" Monday December 2 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Cascade AIDS Project will host a panel discussion on HIV Activism: Past and Future at the Fez, 316 SW 11th Ave. The panel will feature experts linking social, political and cultural aspects of HIV, as well as some new voices sharing the latest work being done today. Join us for an evening of knowledge, awareness and inspirational dialogue. The panel will include:
Vaughn Frick is a legendary artist and leader whose iconic comic illustrations helped tell the story of HIV/AIDS. As Art Director of the San Francisco Sentinel newspaper during the early 1980s and later as a cartoonist for Seattle Gay News, Vaughn has been instrumental in creating media for ACT UP Portland and other political causes. The anthology "NO Straight Lines" which featured Vaughn's work was nominated for an Eisner award and won a Lambda Literary Award.
Thursday, December 5 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
First Thursday art viewing at Pivot, 209 SW 4th Ave. Featured artist is HIV activist and cartoonist Vaughn Frick. Vaughn Frick is a legendary artist and leader whose iconic comic illustrations helped tell the story of HIV/AIDS. This is a must-see collection."
It is odd to be tagged as "legendary" and a "leader." I was probably the first artist to draw cartoons about the HIV Pandemic as I was working in the Gay media at ground zero in San Francisco when awareness about a new and deadly disease first began to rise.
The event for world AIDS day that I was on the panel for went well enough. The person to my right had started a social service agency for homeless youth and a needle exchange that got over 200 thousand dirty needles off the streets of Portland last year. The person to my left had built connections between HIV outreach and African American Churches. The other panelist works in washington D.C. to stop new H.I.V. infections in at-risk youth populations. Then there was me, a cartoonist, with only my wit. Over 75 people filled the room for it. The show of my H.I.V. related work opens tomorrow night. 65 works in total, and I had to cut out a lot. This whole affair did get me to clean out and catalogue decades of artwork and comix I had socked away in my basement. I'll post some of the more fun pieces on this site's gallery in time.
Last evening's art opening was a success, with a good attendance . Most of the artwork on display I had drawn 25-30 years back, and I was unsure how understandable or translatable it would be today. I had also created these art and comix during my wide-eyed idealistic youth, and felt a bit embarrassed by how personal and to the bone these old creations of mine are. Cascade AIDS Project is very happy with the show, and extended it through January of next year! If you are in Portland, OR and would like to see it, the address for Pivot is 209 S.W.4th Ave. I got a lot of encouragement to draw new material, so I did get to pimp up the new Nomeansyes strips which I have been posting here. I'm a bit glad to have this week's events behind me so I can get back to focusing on new artwork and comix. The panel and show did place me out front, and a kick to get new work published. 2014 promises to be a very productive year, for Nomeanstes and some other projects yet up my sleeve. I'm back to drawing the next page of the latest Nomeansyes saga, and I'd like to again thank everyone who has helped make this happen.
I'm back in production with the latest page for " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly." The challenge now is how to draw a disjointed storyline while keeping the story coherent. One of this story's structures is that the church members are holding a meeting, connected only by their personal communication devices, and they all have their own agendas and are talking over each other. As the pile of chicken bones grow. I've got about 6 pages more of that dis-jointed crazy-quilt dialogue, then will finish with a two page action-packed comic strip spectacular involving a race to the death! Once the story gets done, at 12 pages, it will cornerstone my first published "Nomeansyes" collection. I'm excited about getting a book out, and have been going through the strips making corrections. It's been real helpful to create a daring new comic strip in a forum like this, and all the feedback will better the final product.
On this fine winter solstice day, I'm looking forward to the next year for our beloved little Radical Faerie Church. I'm setting up a P.O.Box for the selling of our first collection, hopefully to be published in early 2014. I'm still considering the pros and cons of opening up a chat-room. I would like to open an easy circle of communication with Nomeansyes's readership. Reader feedback is really essential for the further development of future comic strips. When I used to draw regular comic strips for newspapers of yore, the reader response was crucial with how I developed the characters and content of what I would draw. These fictional comic strip characters begin with the singular imagination of the author, but once put out to the public, a curious symbiosis can take place, if done right. I've always thought of this process as sequential time-based art. The comic strip characters that I've drawn which have succeeded have been those that take on a sort of life from this interaction with the readership. Because of this, the regular characters which I have written stories around have all changed in ways I initially did not suspect. It keeps it fresh and interesting for me, which I aim to reflect in the final work, using our common tribal mythologies.
In less than a year, with limited and highly focused links posted online, this comix page has gotten thousands of hits. Since September, every day this page has gotten traffic. Setting this up as a business has allowed me to monitor the online traffic, which has been very informative. I've gotten some great feed-back, and I'm delighted to be back in the ink. I still feel my humble efforts are in development, so I tried early on to keep this page low-key so my new comic strip would not peak too early. My initial fan base posted links, which increased our readership, so now I really, really need to get back to drawing up some new pages to post here.
Blessed be.
I'm looking forward for expanding Nomeansyes in 2014. This little comic strip experiment has proven successful. In starting this project I was not sure people would "get it," the subject material came from a severe social backwater and was from an unapologetic niche perspective. A prime rule of the creative process is to never underestimate the intelligence of one's viewership. The follies and abuses of the fundamentalist sects which bedevil us all, of any stripe, makes good comic strip fodder. I've taken care to develop this, and improve my cartoonist skills. I'm gratified with the result, and thankful for the growing readership, and support from the Nomeansyes fan base. In a little more than 10 months I've drawn 12 pages; 7 individual strips and 5 pages of a longer work. Jerry the faerie has promised to write new nomeansyes strips this year, I really enjoyed collaborating with him last year.
My goal is to post 2-3 new strips here each month, and then publish the lot as a collection set to be released around the summer solstice. This past year I've experimented a lot with with the look and tone, about how these strips look on both the printed and electronic page. I cut my cartoonist chops drawing up work for publications, the printing process then limiting detail work. In this laser scan age, every line can show, as do also any flaws or clean-up marks. I'm switching which ink I use to paint in the black areas, if the black isn't painted in strong enough it washes out in greys when scanned.
A while back I started a facebook page for Nomeansyes, but did not put the time into building it up. I'm thinking of opening it up as a chat-room, so if interested, pro or con, to give feedback and such, join up at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/392474870851812/
I've also been posting links throughout the realm, so welcome any so bold to venture here.
I'm back in production on the latest page for " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly," featuring the introduction of a new character "Gaynesha." Gaynesha will be a cosmic gate-keeper of sorts, and for this page brings a special implement of his high office.
I've been holed up remodeling my art studio, down to re-sanding the floors and a spiffy new paint job. My two month art retrospection at Portland's Pivot space is down and all packed up, the whole show feeling now as a dream. I was unsure how time-locked agitprop comix I drew 25-30 years back would read with today's sensibilities. The response was very good, and I hope that I did well in the spotlight. The whole affair sort of renewed my cartoonist street creds, so I'm looking for other publishing opportunities with my work. I still plan on drawing the aforementioned "Harry's Ghost" comix strip, featuring the ghost of Gay rights pioneer Harry Hay. I'm also developing another comix strip called "Pretty Pixie Paradise," staring an internet character I created awhile back called "Sqweegle." This strip will also feature fruit-bats, and giant chickens. Some here may remember the saga of Myrtle the beloved fruit-bat from Pixie Paradise days. I had developed a whole universe of characters, influenced by reader reaction, and had always intended to do something with the whole schmeer one day. Pixies, you see, are nothing at all like faeries, at the end of the day. Good fun.
Now onward to Nomeansyes and Gaynesha!
Yes, I'm still here working on new strips. The remodeling of my art studio took far more work than vision and time first allowed for. Now I can set up shop again with all my art goods in place. In the interim I've worked up some new character designs, notably for "Gaynesha" whom will set his first appearance here soon. I'm also reworking the look for "Mugghoul" and Big White Honky." Also I'm redoing sections of this site, so stay tuned!
Yes, we are still here. My spare time has been ruled by a major home remodel, also health problems kept me challenged. As is with spring, I am back, better. Having not posted any new strips in months, or posting new links to here, I am amazed at the number of daily hits for Nomeansyes, always at least in two figures. for example, why on April 11 did we get 45 hits? Thank you Nomeansyesites all for your continued support and encouragement! For now, I added some goodies to the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section.
I am still surprised how many daily hits this site gets, even with my very irregular drawing schedule so far this year. I'm going to post several stand- alone strips before I return to the epic " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" saga. Jerry the Faerie has written another fine strip that I'll post up here for Gay Pride.
What is a Radical Faerie Gatekeeper, some have asked. The Radical Faeries early on were very anti-authoritarian and rather down on the control Queens and power trippers which insert themselves into social groups. An early RF ethic was of "subject/subject consciousness. ( google it up for a good read.) As anybody can call themselves a Radical Faerie these days, so comes an infestation of those who now call themselves "Gate-Keepers." Gate Keepers work to include those whom they socially prefer, while excluding those whom they normally would not socialize with. It's the same as any personal social circle, yet Gatekeepers tend to cut and paste their own circle into a public group to practice their own interpretation of social engineering , and call it " Community Building." This can be amusing and tragic when they also start fund-raising for their pet projects. Gate-Keeping can socially retard the individual practicing it, as they become a title holder instead of an individual, and bargain away their humanity. . As certain needy and manipulative personalities are attracted to such positions as Gatekeepers, where they work on their benefit packages till the revolution happens,
I'm back in the studio after a long cross country vacation. I distributed the new fuchsia-colored NOMEANSYES promotional cards hither and yon during my walkabouts. I got to leave a tidy little pile of them at the historic Stonewall Inn at the start of Manhattan's Annual GLBTQ Pride fest. The Stonewall Inn is where the modern Gay Rights movement ignited after a seminal police riot 45 years back when during a then standard police raid, the drag performers there fought back and barricaded the police inside as the riot erupted in size. Police raids were a common event, tied in with the corruption of pay-off money and the homophobia of social "morals" campaigns. Gay icon/Saint Judy Garland's funeral had just been held, Judy was a beloved star for the drag and homosexual community. A common veiled term then for being Gay was to be called a "Friend of Dorothy," in homage to Judy's role in "The Wizard of Oz." So, another unfair police raid on the heels of Judy's funeral was the last pulled hair and the drag queens yelled "Enough!" Side note, "Gay" came into common usage then because it was easier to paint and see on protest signs than "Homosexual." " Gay" had been an underground term, much of the homosexual culture then used secret languages and codes so they could communicate under the constant threat of incarceration, castration, or death simply for being men who loved other men. There actually was a secret homosexual language called "Polari," for a good read google it up.
So, it was an honor to leave the new NOMEANSYES promotional cards in Stonewall at this time.
This next stage of promotion means that I have to get busy and draw up some new strips to post here. I'm drawing a new strip which Jerry the faerie wrote, and the next page of the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," and a Walla Marts stand alone strip. An earlier project I planned called "Harry's Ghost" will be a single story instead of a series. I broadened the concept I first conceived for "Harry's Ghost" into a new work to be posted here called " The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary."
The web traffic for NOMEANSYES is increasing, This odd little series is developing a following, no matter how slow I've been with posting up new material. It is important for me to give each work I create the time it takes for it to feel right and finished. As awareness for this series grows, who knows where it will go.
While in NY I got to tour the facility where Macy's builds the giant balloons and floats for the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. A good friend is in charge of building and designing these giant affairs, which is how I got to peek in. I was surprised at the "obscure" characters represented in giant balloon form. Cable-show fare, or faded icons like "Bullwinkle." Maybe some day, paraded aloft through the heart of Manhattan on Thanksgiving day will be a Walla Marts giant balloon, delighting and frightening the children of the world.
Walla's shape does translate well into balloon.
I'm finishing up the latest strip featuring our favorite Rad Fae demagogue Walla Marts. Next will be several more pages of our epic " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly. A page from the "Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary" is also in the works.
The latest strip that I posted titled "Faggot Blood" written by Jerry the Faerie has gotten a rave response, I do hope to post more strips written by Jerry and others here. Some loose nut contacted Jerry to try and dissuade him from writing future strips, this same troll also tried getting a link to this page pulled from a Radical Faerie web board. Her lurking efforts to censor NOMEANSYES are for naught, and rather silly. Ironically this trolls actions only bring more hits to this site, and further awareness and a bigger fan base about our comic strip Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES. Some days these comic strips really do write themselves.
Our viewership numbers are still growing, and I'm at work on the next NOMEANSYES pages and a new pixie centered comix, code-named "Sqweegle." Here in Portland, OR, the summer has been most fine, and during this August time I'm writing and plotting out future strips. Jerry the Faerie wrote another amazing work for NOMEANSYES that I'm starting to illustrate, and I'm drawing up the first page for " The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary," and also the next page of " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which will introduce the new character of " Gaynesha." Gaynesha is that elephant headed dude heretofore seen only pictured on our promotional cards. Gaynesha is also a true gatekeeper; in his introduction featured in the next page I'm at work on, he is the Gatekeeper for the Sacred Dildo of Truth. See what you have to look forward to here in our humble Radical Faerie Cartoon Church?
Just wait till you see the pixies!
I just returned from a classic August camp-out at Oregon's Mt. Hood, enjoying the company of old friends. Today I went through and re-sized artwork here for better visibility, re-scanned and cleaned-up several NOMEANSYES comic strips, and added some goodies to the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities for your viewing pleasures.
Today we are pleased to announce the first spin-off project from our cartoon Radical Faerie Church. The working title is " Harry's Ghost." This new strip will feature the ghost of Gay rights pioneer Harry Hay as the primary character. Page # 3 of " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is just about finished and should be posted by the end of Wednesday.
When I draw these strips, music helps set the tone for me, and often a song or album indirectly can get woven into the background fabric of the art that I create, releasing echos. The discogcraphy I've listened to while drawing these strips has been the full runs of Depeche Mode and Pink Floyd. Also John Grant, Sinead Occonor, Dead can Dance, Kraftwerk, etc. The album that helped me focus for page # 3 of " Nomeansyes members meeting badly" was Phillip Glass's " Metamorphosis." For page # 2 of that work it was Pink Floyd's " Atom Hearted Mother." Page #1 would be "Anastasia" by Dead Can Dance.
The why of this site is that it's a generator for new comic strips and concepts. I've drawn comix most my whole life, first got published in the late 1970's. My work was what was then termed " underground." I got published in a series of community and alternative publications, and a handful of books along the way. I even had some of my comix pirated in Sweden. Last year Fantagraphics Books published " No Straight Lines" about Gay cartoonery over the years, including 10 pages of my prior work. The book sold-out and was a hit, and got a Lambda award for best anthology. I had fallen off the cartoon turnip truck over a decade back and had long mused over getting my fingers again stained with fresh ink. Most of the real-paper publications that I had gotten published in just don't exist in spirit or format anymore, it is more an electronic age now. I wanted to create a new series of comix, and I'm using this web page to develop it. What I miss about newspaper comix was the interaction with the audience that would change the work in unforseen directions. To create a comic strip is just the first step. These things come from the personal experience of the artist/storyteller at first, but once loose take on their own life. That's why so many of the strips I'm posting here have different looks in format and characters, why the character's images are often fluid. The 4-panel single strips have been set more in the mundane muggle world. The latest longer feature " Nomeneansyes Members Meeting Badly" that I'm posting here dives down the rabbit hole with the fantastical and magical. Fruit-bats, Daleks in drag, and chicken-dealing death divas are a lot more fun to draw than just the base bastard children of Harry Potter. I've also been experimenting with artistic techniques in this brave new digital world. Way back when, the limitations of photo-offset printing limited how best to draw a work. Detail could either fade out or muddy-up. Now with laser-scanned artwork, it is possible to work in more nuance and emotion of the drawn line itself. I've tried straying from the use of bold outlines, but the work reads differently electronically, so I'm still experimenting. I first drew cartoons about that most curious social sub-set the "Radical Faeries" in the 1980's, and today the faeries are still for me a gold-mine for ideas and inspirations. I'm even adding 3 more pages to the "Meeting Badly" feature because I'm having so much fun with it. I'm also talking with Jerry the Faerie about getting him to write some new strips, he does have some good ideas about future adventures. The goal of course is to get some comic strip out of this in publication or on a cartoon cable network. Thank you all who have been a part of this experiment. Making sausage or comic strips can often not be a very pretty thing. The sound effects although can be hilarious.
I'm in LA this week to see Depeche Mode in concert, and still working on future strips. One future work involves Walla and Honky birthing sacred butt-babies together, the question is whom is the mother? Jerry the Faerie is also working on scripts for upcoming strips. Our second comic strip " Harry's ghost" is still in development, we want to start on a good foundation upon which to build our new comic. " Harry's Ghost" will probably play outside the "Nomeansyes" mythos. We plan to use actual Hay quotes to anchor each strip. I'm really looking forward to getting this new series out. I'd also like to thank again all those whom support our humble efforts here, the readership grows with each month, this site has gotten thousands of hits now. Wow.
Cascade AIDS Project of Portland, OR wants to host a retrospective of my activist art and comix this World AIDS day December 1st. I'm scrambling through 3 decades of archives to cull out the appropriate pieces for the show. I was living in San Francisco as an editorial cartoonist/graphic artist in 1981 when the HIV pandemic first hit big. While sorting through my personal comix archives, I will be adding a lot of my prior work into the Comix Vault here starting tonight. So that's my fun project this week during this season of ghosts. I'm putting the last work into the latest page of " Nomeansyes members meeting Badly," and hope to have it done in the next day or so. This latest page includes the return of Spotted Owl, whom I first started drawing in the late 1980's. This is the fourth comix series now where I've been able to include my little ageless cartoon owl buddy. " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" will now be a 12 page story, and I could go to 15 pages. I have the last two pages written, and can easily expand the story into many directions beforehand.
I have a lot of wall space to fill for my retrospective to be shown by Cascade AIDS Project for World AIDS Day on December the 1st. The show will include my comix, poster art, and other associated graphics going back over 30 years. I'm setting up the staging area in my basement now for what I plan to include, sorting through files and boxes often untouched now for decades. I do come from a long, proud line of pack-rats. I also got a big display window to fill on a major visible downtown Portland Avenue, I'm thinking of highlighting blow -ups of my comix characters from 1981 to those today here in NOMEANSYES. Big promotion possibilities, indeed. I will post more of my historic work up on this site, a benefit from sorting through and cleaning up my archives. I'm still stuck on one panel for the latest page of "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly." It involves Mugghoul and a fruit-bat, and sets up a future storyline where fruit-bats get a go at taking over the Radical Faerie Church for the good of all those who have not evolved into a higher fruit-bat consciousness. I really like drawing fruit-bats.
The Cascade AIDS Project art retrospective has been dominating my free time of late. I've got a large space to fill at an active downtown Portland location, including a display window. I'm thinking of including 30-50 works, all needing to be framed and catalogued, from a 30 year + frame of time. For part of World AIDS day I also get to sit on a panel about AIDS related activism, and CAP is lining up interviews for local media. This will keep me very busy, but I still plan to post new strips here as I'm able. I've also got to get this site set for an onslaught of new viewers that my show will generate.
Today I posted page # 4 of " NOMEANSYES MEMBERS MEETING BADLY," over a month later than when I originally aimed for. I've been quite busy with the art show and other projects, but now am in good shape to continue drawing new stories. "NMMB" will anchor the future collection of NOMEANSYES comic strips, so I'm working the core themes together. "NMMB" will still run 12 to 15 pages, and during my time away from the drawing board I've mapped out the whole story. Starting with this page, I'm posting the original artwork here larger, easier to read and catch those maddening details.
I just got a fancy scanner/printer which will help immensely. My old scanner was limited to 8 by 10, now I can scan artwork at 11 by 17. I like to draw my pages at a larger size, so I was having to reduce my strips on zeroxes and then post them here. Now I can scan the original artwork directly to this site, so better quality. The strips I've been posting in the vault I've been scanning from old zeroxes, now I can get a cleaner image because I can scan directly off the 11 by 17 originals. With the printer I can print on both sides up to 11 by 17, color. When the run of current " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" strips is finished, I'll be able to self-publish a collection of the NOMEANSYES strips to date. The book will be available for purchase here. 2014 looks a good year for our Radical Faerie Church.
Tomorrow I'm part of a public panel about HIV activism, and the show of my work begins on Thursday. If you are in the Portland, Oregon area, this is what the Cascade AIDS Project wrote about it in their newsletter:
" Monday December 2 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Cascade AIDS Project will host a panel discussion on HIV Activism: Past and Future at the Fez, 316 SW 11th Ave. The panel will feature experts linking social, political and cultural aspects of HIV, as well as some new voices sharing the latest work being done today. Join us for an evening of knowledge, awareness and inspirational dialogue. The panel will include:
Vaughn Frick is a legendary artist and leader whose iconic comic illustrations helped tell the story of HIV/AIDS. As Art Director of the San Francisco Sentinel newspaper during the early 1980s and later as a cartoonist for Seattle Gay News, Vaughn has been instrumental in creating media for ACT UP Portland and other political causes. The anthology "NO Straight Lines" which featured Vaughn's work was nominated for an Eisner award and won a Lambda Literary Award.
Thursday, December 5 from 6:00pm - 9:00pm
First Thursday art viewing at Pivot, 209 SW 4th Ave. Featured artist is HIV activist and cartoonist Vaughn Frick. Vaughn Frick is a legendary artist and leader whose iconic comic illustrations helped tell the story of HIV/AIDS. This is a must-see collection."
It is odd to be tagged as "legendary" and a "leader." I was probably the first artist to draw cartoons about the HIV Pandemic as I was working in the Gay media at ground zero in San Francisco when awareness about a new and deadly disease first began to rise.
The event for world AIDS day that I was on the panel for went well enough. The person to my right had started a social service agency for homeless youth and a needle exchange that got over 200 thousand dirty needles off the streets of Portland last year. The person to my left had built connections between HIV outreach and African American Churches. The other panelist works in washington D.C. to stop new H.I.V. infections in at-risk youth populations. Then there was me, a cartoonist, with only my wit. Over 75 people filled the room for it. The show of my H.I.V. related work opens tomorrow night. 65 works in total, and I had to cut out a lot. This whole affair did get me to clean out and catalogue decades of artwork and comix I had socked away in my basement. I'll post some of the more fun pieces on this site's gallery in time.
Last evening's art opening was a success, with a good attendance . Most of the artwork on display I had drawn 25-30 years back, and I was unsure how understandable or translatable it would be today. I had also created these art and comix during my wide-eyed idealistic youth, and felt a bit embarrassed by how personal and to the bone these old creations of mine are. Cascade AIDS Project is very happy with the show, and extended it through January of next year! If you are in Portland, OR and would like to see it, the address for Pivot is 209 S.W.4th Ave. I got a lot of encouragement to draw new material, so I did get to pimp up the new Nomeansyes strips which I have been posting here. I'm a bit glad to have this week's events behind me so I can get back to focusing on new artwork and comix. The panel and show did place me out front, and a kick to get new work published. 2014 promises to be a very productive year, for Nomeanstes and some other projects yet up my sleeve. I'm back to drawing the next page of the latest Nomeansyes saga, and I'd like to again thank everyone who has helped make this happen.
I'm back in production with the latest page for " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly." The challenge now is how to draw a disjointed storyline while keeping the story coherent. One of this story's structures is that the church members are holding a meeting, connected only by their personal communication devices, and they all have their own agendas and are talking over each other. As the pile of chicken bones grow. I've got about 6 pages more of that dis-jointed crazy-quilt dialogue, then will finish with a two page action-packed comic strip spectacular involving a race to the death! Once the story gets done, at 12 pages, it will cornerstone my first published "Nomeansyes" collection. I'm excited about getting a book out, and have been going through the strips making corrections. It's been real helpful to create a daring new comic strip in a forum like this, and all the feedback will better the final product.
On this fine winter solstice day, I'm looking forward to the next year for our beloved little Radical Faerie Church. I'm setting up a P.O.Box for the selling of our first collection, hopefully to be published in early 2014. I'm still considering the pros and cons of opening up a chat-room. I would like to open an easy circle of communication with Nomeansyes's readership. Reader feedback is really essential for the further development of future comic strips. When I used to draw regular comic strips for newspapers of yore, the reader response was crucial with how I developed the characters and content of what I would draw. These fictional comic strip characters begin with the singular imagination of the author, but once put out to the public, a curious symbiosis can take place, if done right. I've always thought of this process as sequential time-based art. The comic strip characters that I've drawn which have succeeded have been those that take on a sort of life from this interaction with the readership. Because of this, the regular characters which I have written stories around have all changed in ways I initially did not suspect. It keeps it fresh and interesting for me, which I aim to reflect in the final work, using our common tribal mythologies.
In less than a year, with limited and highly focused links posted online, this comix page has gotten thousands of hits. Since September, every day this page has gotten traffic. Setting this up as a business has allowed me to monitor the online traffic, which has been very informative. I've gotten some great feed-back, and I'm delighted to be back in the ink. I still feel my humble efforts are in development, so I tried early on to keep this page low-key so my new comic strip would not peak too early. My initial fan base posted links, which increased our readership, so now I really, really need to get back to drawing up some new pages to post here.
Blessed be.
I'm looking forward for expanding Nomeansyes in 2014. This little comic strip experiment has proven successful. In starting this project I was not sure people would "get it," the subject material came from a severe social backwater and was from an unapologetic niche perspective. A prime rule of the creative process is to never underestimate the intelligence of one's viewership. The follies and abuses of the fundamentalist sects which bedevil us all, of any stripe, makes good comic strip fodder. I've taken care to develop this, and improve my cartoonist skills. I'm gratified with the result, and thankful for the growing readership, and support from the Nomeansyes fan base. In a little more than 10 months I've drawn 12 pages; 7 individual strips and 5 pages of a longer work. Jerry the faerie has promised to write new nomeansyes strips this year, I really enjoyed collaborating with him last year.
My goal is to post 2-3 new strips here each month, and then publish the lot as a collection set to be released around the summer solstice. This past year I've experimented a lot with with the look and tone, about how these strips look on both the printed and electronic page. I cut my cartoonist chops drawing up work for publications, the printing process then limiting detail work. In this laser scan age, every line can show, as do also any flaws or clean-up marks. I'm switching which ink I use to paint in the black areas, if the black isn't painted in strong enough it washes out in greys when scanned.
A while back I started a facebook page for Nomeansyes, but did not put the time into building it up. I'm thinking of opening it up as a chat-room, so if interested, pro or con, to give feedback and such, join up at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/392474870851812/
I've also been posting links throughout the realm, so welcome any so bold to venture here.
I'm back in production on the latest page for " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly," featuring the introduction of a new character "Gaynesha." Gaynesha will be a cosmic gate-keeper of sorts, and for this page brings a special implement of his high office.
I've been holed up remodeling my art studio, down to re-sanding the floors and a spiffy new paint job. My two month art retrospection at Portland's Pivot space is down and all packed up, the whole show feeling now as a dream. I was unsure how time-locked agitprop comix I drew 25-30 years back would read with today's sensibilities. The response was very good, and I hope that I did well in the spotlight. The whole affair sort of renewed my cartoonist street creds, so I'm looking for other publishing opportunities with my work. I still plan on drawing the aforementioned "Harry's Ghost" comix strip, featuring the ghost of Gay rights pioneer Harry Hay. I'm also developing another comix strip called "Pretty Pixie Paradise," staring an internet character I created awhile back called "Sqweegle." This strip will also feature fruit-bats, and giant chickens. Some here may remember the saga of Myrtle the beloved fruit-bat from Pixie Paradise days. I had developed a whole universe of characters, influenced by reader reaction, and had always intended to do something with the whole schmeer one day. Pixies, you see, are nothing at all like faeries, at the end of the day. Good fun.
Now onward to Nomeansyes and Gaynesha!
Yes, I'm still here working on new strips. The remodeling of my art studio took far more work than vision and time first allowed for. Now I can set up shop again with all my art goods in place. In the interim I've worked up some new character designs, notably for "Gaynesha" whom will set his first appearance here soon. I'm also reworking the look for "Mugghoul" and Big White Honky." Also I'm redoing sections of this site, so stay tuned!
Yes, we are still here. My spare time has been ruled by a major home remodel, also health problems kept me challenged. As is with spring, I am back, better. Having not posted any new strips in months, or posting new links to here, I am amazed at the number of daily hits for Nomeansyes, always at least in two figures. for example, why on April 11 did we get 45 hits? Thank you Nomeansyesites all for your continued support and encouragement! For now, I added some goodies to the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section.
I am still surprised how many daily hits this site gets, even with my very irregular drawing schedule so far this year. I'm going to post several stand- alone strips before I return to the epic " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" saga. Jerry the Faerie has written another fine strip that I'll post up here for Gay Pride.
What is a Radical Faerie Gatekeeper, some have asked. The Radical Faeries early on were very anti-authoritarian and rather down on the control Queens and power trippers which insert themselves into social groups. An early RF ethic was of "subject/subject consciousness. ( google it up for a good read.) As anybody can call themselves a Radical Faerie these days, so comes an infestation of those who now call themselves "Gate-Keepers." Gate Keepers work to include those whom they socially prefer, while excluding those whom they normally would not socialize with. It's the same as any personal social circle, yet Gatekeepers tend to cut and paste their own circle into a public group to practice their own interpretation of social engineering , and call it " Community Building." This can be amusing and tragic when they also start fund-raising for their pet projects. Gate-Keeping can socially retard the individual practicing it, as they become a title holder instead of an individual, and bargain away their humanity. . As certain needy and manipulative personalities are attracted to such positions as Gatekeepers, where they work on their benefit packages till the revolution happens,
I'm back in the studio after a long cross country vacation. I distributed the new fuchsia-colored NOMEANSYES promotional cards hither and yon during my walkabouts. I got to leave a tidy little pile of them at the historic Stonewall Inn at the start of Manhattan's Annual GLBTQ Pride fest. The Stonewall Inn is where the modern Gay Rights movement ignited after a seminal police riot 45 years back when during a then standard police raid, the drag performers there fought back and barricaded the police inside as the riot erupted in size. Police raids were a common event, tied in with the corruption of pay-off money and the homophobia of social "morals" campaigns. Gay icon/Saint Judy Garland's funeral had just been held, Judy was a beloved star for the drag and homosexual community. A common veiled term then for being Gay was to be called a "Friend of Dorothy," in homage to Judy's role in "The Wizard of Oz." So, another unfair police raid on the heels of Judy's funeral was the last pulled hair and the drag queens yelled "Enough!" Side note, "Gay" came into common usage then because it was easier to paint and see on protest signs than "Homosexual." " Gay" had been an underground term, much of the homosexual culture then used secret languages and codes so they could communicate under the constant threat of incarceration, castration, or death simply for being men who loved other men. There actually was a secret homosexual language called "Polari," for a good read google it up.
So, it was an honor to leave the new NOMEANSYES promotional cards in Stonewall at this time.
This next stage of promotion means that I have to get busy and draw up some new strips to post here. I'm drawing a new strip which Jerry the faerie wrote, and the next page of the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," and a Walla Marts stand alone strip. An earlier project I planned called "Harry's Ghost" will be a single story instead of a series. I broadened the concept I first conceived for "Harry's Ghost" into a new work to be posted here called " The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary."
The web traffic for NOMEANSYES is increasing, This odd little series is developing a following, no matter how slow I've been with posting up new material. It is important for me to give each work I create the time it takes for it to feel right and finished. As awareness for this series grows, who knows where it will go.
While in NY I got to tour the facility where Macy's builds the giant balloons and floats for the annual Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. A good friend is in charge of building and designing these giant affairs, which is how I got to peek in. I was surprised at the "obscure" characters represented in giant balloon form. Cable-show fare, or faded icons like "Bullwinkle." Maybe some day, paraded aloft through the heart of Manhattan on Thanksgiving day will be a Walla Marts giant balloon, delighting and frightening the children of the world.
Walla's shape does translate well into balloon.
I'm finishing up the latest strip featuring our favorite Rad Fae demagogue Walla Marts. Next will be several more pages of our epic " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly. A page from the "Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary" is also in the works.
The latest strip that I posted titled "Faggot Blood" written by Jerry the Faerie has gotten a rave response, I do hope to post more strips written by Jerry and others here. Some loose nut contacted Jerry to try and dissuade him from writing future strips, this same troll also tried getting a link to this page pulled from a Radical Faerie web board. Her lurking efforts to censor NOMEANSYES are for naught, and rather silly. Ironically this trolls actions only bring more hits to this site, and further awareness and a bigger fan base about our comic strip Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES. Some days these comic strips really do write themselves.
Our viewership numbers are still growing, and I'm at work on the next NOMEANSYES pages and a new pixie centered comix, code-named "Sqweegle." Here in Portland, OR, the summer has been most fine, and during this August time I'm writing and plotting out future strips. Jerry the Faerie wrote another amazing work for NOMEANSYES that I'm starting to illustrate, and I'm drawing up the first page for " The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary," and also the next page of " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which will introduce the new character of " Gaynesha." Gaynesha is that elephant headed dude heretofore seen only pictured on our promotional cards. Gaynesha is also a true gatekeeper; in his introduction featured in the next page I'm at work on, he is the Gatekeeper for the Sacred Dildo of Truth. See what you have to look forward to here in our humble Radical Faerie Cartoon Church?
Just wait till you see the pixies!
I just returned from a classic August camp-out at Oregon's Mt. Hood, enjoying the company of old friends. Today I went through and re-sized artwork here for better visibility, re-scanned and cleaned-up several NOMEANSYES comic strips, and added some goodies to the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities for your viewing pleasures.
I'm blogging from San Francisco Where I've been attending the 2017 Queers and Comics conference at the California College of the Arts. I'm writing this the morning of day two, the first day was a raging success. I got to speak about my comics on two panels that I was on, the first was about underground cartoonists and the second panel was on health. I'm still dazed and thankful over the overwhelmingly positive response my work has enjoyed at this event, which in a sense was a coming out for my Radical Faerie Church Funnies. It's so far difficult to gauge how many people have attended as the event is spread out across the campus. There are over 140 Queer cartoonists from across the globe, of many generations and stripes of the rainbow flag. I'm also near being weepy over seeing so many friends together from so many ages of my life so far, and I've been able to meet in person for the first time several facebook friends. Jerry the Faerie, who wrote several of these NOMEANSYES strips also attended, and I'd like to again thank him for helping create our Radical Faerie Church funnies. I put together a special edition of these comics for the conference, which are now nearly all distributed across the cartoon winds. next comes the officially published NOMEANSYES Comics book which will be available to purchase online, so please watch this space, as there has been positive developments towards this goal. Thanx again to all the fans of this project who have encouraged me forward through the storm clouds of doubt. The dream is very much alive.
The next day 4-16
The second day of the Queers and Comics Conference was Amazeballs. I got to connect with a lot of friends old and new, and got very encouraged and energized. This weekend was the official public unveiling of the Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES Comics which I've posted here. San Francisco has been a creative touchstone for me, I lived here twice during my life, first from 1981 to 1984, and this city helped forge my ethics and made me the person I am today. Part of me will always live here. For those new readers, the start of NOMEANSYES was troubled by trolling mostly from two Radical Faerie power players, Stella Maris and Leo Sunshine. Stella organized online prayer circles against my work in the time honored traditions of religious fundamentalists condemning comic strips, even calling into question my health and mental state. Leo posted across many public chat-rooms that my comics encouraged violence and Rape (?!?). Leo should understand that having a bad bi-polar day is poor excuse for practicing bad internet etiquette. This weekend, those same comic strips were applauded and appreciated by many, I really did get a lot of love for my comics at Q&CC 2017. A lesson to both Stella and Leo to better practice the "compassion" that they preach about while speaking out as self-appointed Radical Faerie" leaders." As the old Radical Faerie trope goes, Blessed be.
On this Labor Day I've downloaded some goodies into our Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities. I scanned new images off the original artwork from my 1980s era " Watch OUT!" Comix, the prior images were scanned from old zeroxes. My former scanner was too small to accommodate my original artwork, I draw larger than the actual printed size for detail's sake. Also included in the Vault are strips that have never before been posted online.
This comix page is catching well over 1200 unique hits a month, some days into 3 figures. So, till I get some new strips drawn up, I'm posting here forgotten dreams from a deep shadowy well of comix that in some cases have not seen light for decades.
Yesterday's exercise of posting in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities was popular, this site got 82 hits, and the statistics are already good early today. So, I just added an old Gay Comix work titled " The Tortoise and the Scorpion," so please enjoy.
I just downloaded 49 Portland Bird/ Cascadia comic strips into the lower section of the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities. We got even more hits here yesterday, so I wanted to post something substantial for your enjoyment. I put everything that I could into Cascadia, a snapshot of the politics of those days, oddly some of which are still relevant.
I'm off my summer break and back to work, hope to post some new NOMEANSYES strips here soon. I did post a 71 page story of old in our section titled Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities, so read " In The Flesh" there if you dare...
It's a ghost story, as it's getting to be that most special time of the year.
I'm still having a lot of fun posting up old work of mine here in our aforementioned "Vault" section. Today I posted a Gay Comix story published in 1991 titled " Castro Street 2000," and a 1988 comic strip sequence called " American Jesus." I've been sorting through my old artworks and have been scanning the lot, as some of the original artwork is deteriorating, as is the way with all things, it seems. For years I mostly dumped finished work into boxes, always focused onto the next project. I'm about done for awhile with the archive work.
I'm back to work on some new strips to post here, I thank those kind souls who give their encouragement. It's been a very busy fall for me, and I've missed my drawing board time, and am returning to a small pile of unfinished work . The big news is next month the Portland Public Library will be displaying some of my strips on the 3rd floor of the main downtown branch. Fun stuff, I'll keep it posted.
Yes, it has been an age since I've posted anything new here. I'm still fully committed to this project, and today renewed this site for another 2 years. We still are getting thousands of hits a month, and friends and fans keep asking me for more. So, stay tuned for more adventures of Walla Marts and her wacky cartoon pals!
Thank you much to the fans of this project for your continued encouragement and support. It's obviously been awhile since I posted up anything new here, and I am working up some new strips to post soon. Honest. During this time I've been exploring other projects, yet people still want to see more adventures about our little Radical Faerie Church and that wacky demagogue Walla Marts. We still enjoy thousands of visitors each month here, even with no recent strip activity from me. This week I hope to add some older work into the Vault of Underground Anthropologic Curiosities section here. Back to the Radical Faerie Church, Walla has been quite busy disappointing and manipulating her community, or as Walla puts it the "right use of social power and earned authority" which we have come to know Walla by. Walla is fun to draw, I've thought about adding some silly rubber horns and a big floppy hat to her fashion ensemble, often cartoon characters get stuck wearing the same uniform, like Charlie Brown's zig-zag shirt. See ya soon in the funny pages, my peeps!
I'm finishing up the next NOMEANSYES, written by Jerry the Faerie, which I hope to post here June 6. This promises to be one powerfully fun commix, I've enjoyed much working with Jerry, so please watch out for our next collaboration. Then I'll be back to "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" for a spell. When I wrote the first draft of NMMB almost two years back, I had a story beginning and ending, and not much filler, so I started drawing it out page by page to see where the action goes. After page # 5 of NMMB I knew I wanted to develop the story further than originally imagined, so I took a break to work out several possible directions to take. I'm not on any serious deadline with my Radical Faerie Church commix, my goal is to get enough drawn to collect into a book, including such merchandising as t-shirts and coffee mugs. This past year I worked out where I want to go with this and other projects I hope to create, and I have a renewed dedication. I try and draw original, "edgy" work that provokes ideas, and have some good fun with the material involved, and hope that comes out in the final draw. For NMMB I wanted to work out the entwined stories about Santa Muerte, Gaynesha, and the soon to be revealed Cernunnos into the fray. Santa Meurte's chicken Kitchen, or as
Walla insists " Chicken Hut," still gives me the giggles. And I do like drawing fruit-bats...It sure has been delightful to draw, so I hope that you, dear reader, can make some sense out of it all.
Cascade AIDS Project of Portland, Oregon wants me to draw up a series of posters and graphics, and a banner about "Housing is Healthcare." For many years I would create posters, flyers, and graphix for various activist and protest organizations, I've always had a love of handbills and protest art, besides political/cultural cartooning. Well, I'm very happy with this new commission, and using my art to get out an important message.
I've written the next two pages of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting badly," Walla still has her head stuck in the bucket, I fear. Walla's head-in-bucket dilemma began as a sight gag riffing on Winnie the Poo's honey pot, then I realized how I could mine it for comic gold. Walla will get her head out of the bucket, in time, but there will be even more comic/tragic consequences... I hope to post about one new page every week or so, I want to get the work finished as it will be the heart of the first Radical Faerie church comic book I've been wanting to get published. This online site has been the working gallery for that goal. The multitude of people who click onto here are money in the bank for getting this work published. Our monthly views for this work are still in the thousands. Again I thank my friends and fans for their support and encouragement.
For those reading this who are here because of my ever-busy special uber troll fan, who keeps getting more people to read my funny pages in her attempts to censer this comic work of radical faerie fiction, I really don't want people laughing at her about it, behind her back. Walla and her cartoon cahoots are composites of many influences and ideas, we really need compassion and to support those wrestling with their personal challenges. This funny strip is a work of pure fiction, the characters are made-up. This is a drag show, please for your own mental health get over it if you believe otherwise.
I'm close to posting here the latest instalment of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly (NMMB). I apologize over any confusion about my last promised posting of another strip written by my friend Jerry the Faerie. After I finished drawing it, I decided after some serious and difficult deliberation to hold off posting the final version here for awhile. It's an amazingly powerful work, but we both agreed the timing of this particular strip is crucial. You will see it here, in time, and I thank so very much Jerry's understanding and compassion.
Back to "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," I'm really getting a good feel about what this work will be about. I've been writing it one page at a time, but had a definite premise, beginning and ending in mind. I originally intended to end it with the primary characters utterly transforming themselves into the best that Radical Faeries should and could be. To quote radical activist Harry Hay," to shed their ugly green frog skins of hetero-normality." What I have in mind now is a bit different, and I hope more amusing and less didactic for this Radical Faerie comic church's many fans. I wasn't sure where to go with the characters of "MugGhoul" (MG) and "Big White Honky."(BWH) I did not think I was reaching the strip's potential with them. The fruit bats, of course, are always fun for me to draw. But MG and BWH just were not doing it for me. With the latest page of NMMB I feel I'm finally nailing what MG and BWH are about, and how they contribute to the story. MG's two snakes I figured out their purpose, originally they were included as a minor sight gag. Without giving away much, the snake's story will involve the old pagan Celtic God Cernunnos. I get to draw a full page about Cernunnos in the deal which is really delightful. Cernunnos also balances out the characters of Santa Muerte and Gaynesha very nicely, so hold onto your beads tight!
Technically, I'm switching to a better ink. The last ink I was using kept feathering on the paper, and made lettering difficult, also with the linework for the drawings. I think you will notice the upgrade in quality.
It has been brought to my attention that a for-real pagan fundamentalist has been taking umbrage with my work of fiction here, insisting that it is all about her. It is not, this Radical Faerie Comic Church is a fictional phantasm of dirty eunuch clowns, perverted fruit-bat capitalists, gender cyborgs, old gods, power-tripping ghouls, pagan fundamentalists, and whatever creature or thing I feel fit to draw. And Radical Faeries themselves, which I've drawn now for many a decade, just looky in the archives posted within. I fear my special pagan fundamentalist uber fan will only generate a silly season about herself trying to organize a Torch and Pitchfork brigade against cartoonery. Why do certain church ladies have nothing better to do? Could it be...CERNUNNOS!?!
I'm back in the drawing chair after a needed July break. July was also a silly season for the Radical Faerie Church Trolls (!?!) who were busy this past month trying to slam me and my work on a few Radical Faerie message boards. Jerry the Faerie posted online a Nomeansyes strip that I have not put up on this site yet which he wrote. I wanted to post Jerry's strip here when I'm close to publishing the first Nomeansyes collection, which will happen when I'm finished with the "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB)storyline. For those here interested as to just what is a "Radical Faerie," good luck. Look up "Radical Faerie" online for some shits and grins if curious. I'm also writing an essay about it all that I plan to post here titled " An Idiot's Guide To the Radical Faeries." This will be similar to the afore mentioned project here " The Radical Faerie Devil's Dictionary," I'm currently drawing up a page from said dictionary to add as a prologue to NMMB. I'm currently reading the complete works of Oscar Wilde, whose style is seriously affecting my prose.
As for those Radical Faerie Church Trolls, I'd like to proclaim special awards here for three very special and dedicated Bizarro fans of my work. I avoided posting responses to their troll-baiting as I was on vacation, and feeding online trolls is often stupid and useless. I did hear from many supporters of my work who were a bit shocked over such online bullying. Thank you for my friends and fans who do appreciate our little comic strip Radical Faerie Church. I fear I may have to post future awards, and I'm only using the affected parties chosen "Faerie Names," but for now here goes:
The "Gatekeeper, thy hinges are squeaky" award goes to Stella. Stella has followed me about online for well over a decade now, trying to "correct" me, making up history and motives about me, trolling me for being Gay, HIV positive, etc. She also continuously posts links to this site, which keeps promoting my comix, oddly. Stella's current rap about me is that I'm sick in the head, wounded, and sexist because of my comic strips that I post here. Historically religious homophobes, even those who insist that they love Gay men, use terms like" women hating," being "wounded," and "sick in the head" to label Gay men. Stella posted an online prayer-circle calling those She takes issue with those historically hateful words. Stella considers herself a "Radical Faerie Leader," an odd designation for what should be an anti-authoritarian social network. Stella is a "leader" inasmuch as she is able to at times rally torch and pitchfork brigades against those she labels as heretics, which makes her as happy as a pig in shit, sadly. Since Nomeansyes is a satire and parody about fundamentalists and power-trippers in tacky Radical Faerie church drag, Stella keeps insisting that it is about her, except when Stella insists it isn't about her. Walla Marts is not Stella, you see, unless Stella says it is. Or acts the part. The Walla Marts character is a composite of several religious fundamentalist characters I've drawn over the years (see archived work in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section here). The difference with Walla from my prior creations is Walla Marts is pagan and female instead of male and Christian, as religious fundamentalists know no sect or gender. I picked the name Walla Marts as a play on Wal-mart and the gentrification of Radical Faeries, which began as a social network by and for gay men. When Gay groups get gentrified, Gay interests can get marginalized, and now we see Stella leading "prayer circles" against Gay men that She takes issue with.
The "Read thine own beads, Starfucker" award goes to Leo Starfucker Sunshine. Leo has made a cause about posting screeds against my comix for several years now. Leo enjoys ganging up against people he considers enemies, which can get scary when he cycles through one of his semi-regular bi-polar episodes. On good days he creates interesting if overpriced jewelry out of such as broken bits of bowling balls. Leo posted on a Radical Faerie message board that he does not like how I draw balls, funny as it is.
Leo gets himself upset about the name of my strip "Nomeansyes," which he says when he googles "Nomeansyes," shows sexist material encouraging rape, ergo my comix must also encourage rape. I suggest Leo Starfucker google his own chosen name of "Starfucker" for more references that encourage sexism and rape, but I won't go as far as Leo Starfucker does in posting that because of his chosen name " Starfucker" that he encourages stalking, rape and sexism. According to the internet, Leo Starfucker, a "starfucker" is a stalker with sexual intentions. Please stick to polishing your broken balls, Leo Starfucker.
The " Lillies of the swamp sow gossip" award goes to Swamplilly. Swamplilly is a curmudgeonly gossip-monger who's chosen hobby is running down any he takes issue with, which as I've heard over the years is legion. It's a bit funny having somebody post that you are against something that he himself has rattled on about over the years, but since his boyfriend lords over the local Portland Radical Faerie message board, membership has it's privileges. Like using the message board to keep pimping for housemates, which continuously seem to disappear, because those Babylon Farm lilies at the end of the day stink.
Today I posted several selections from my sketchbook into the "NOMEANSYES Art Pit" section linked in the "More" heading at the top of this page. Included are a sneak peak at the artwork for pages 9 and 10 of the :NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" epic Radical Faerie soap opera. I'm working on three pages at once from the NMMB storyline. We hope to resolve the natty concern of Walla Mart's head being stuck in a chicken leg bucket dilemma once and for all. I originally intended for NMMB to be only 9 pages long, and obviously expanded my original storyline a bit. New ideas just keep coming, some influenced by audience reactions when I share limited posts of what I'm currently working on. Lately others have been posting links to my comix out of their own dedication to my artwork. Last month we had days of over a hundred page views here. This Radical Faerie Church comic strip is all still under development . One idea I discarded was the addition of the "Portland World Radical Faerie Gossip Court" and a new set and level of colorful characters. I thank several fans of my comix for their ideas, which has made this a better work for all. There also are a few new category pages up in the works here that I have under development, so please enjoy your dog days of August
I am still scripting out the rest of the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" saga and working out several other Radical Faerie Church related projects, mostly for the first official NOMEANSYES publication slated for later on this year. There will be an additional t-shirt design, and a series of collector cards, and a P.O.Box address to peddle it all out of. I'll probably also activate a chat-room to establish a better connection with my readership, which I'm sure will please a few notable Radical Faerie Church trolls. So, I've been busy with this, during a record breaking hot summer, out of a studio with no air conditioning. I'm going camping after writing this humble blog, and next week hope to post up some more goodies onto this site. We still enjoy good numbers of people clicking onto this, and I want to keep posting new fresh work for the growing NOMEANSYES readership.
The "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB) Radical Faerie Church epic soap opera till now I've written and drawn page by page, from a rough draft of a story instead of a finished script. This has been fun for me, but looking back at the output there are some glaring inconsistencies that I'm going back and correcting. I originally wanted NMMB to be 9 pages long, but new possibilities came to mind and the work grew in size and scope. NMMB will be the anchor of my first NOMEANSYES book, so I really got to get it right. I'm adding a prologue page of "The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary" before page # 1 of NMMB for those readers not familiar with what a Radical Faerie is. Many new readers here are from outside the Radical Faerie experience, and what I started as a niche project is growing beyond the original intent. The New York times recently published a major article about a Radical Faerie Sanctuary at Short Mountain, Tennessee, which has raised a lot of attention about the peculiar Radical Faerie social societal sub-set sect. Today Short Mountain, tomorrow Wolf Creek!
When I get the NOMEANSYES book finished I'll use my publishing experience to promote the heck out of it, something I've held back on while this Radical Faerie Church comic has been in development. I've posted limited previews, not wanting NOMEANSYES to peak before it's completion date. Now that more people are discovering NOMEANSYES and posting links to my comix here, I fear the rainbow gender-free unicorn has already left the Barn. So, I really have got to finish the first NOMEANSYES book, which will happen when I'm finally done with NMMB. I also plan to add some of my older Radical Faerie comix to the NOMEANSYES book to plump it up a bit more.
The second NOMEANSYES book will feature another longer story I've been sketching out titled "The War of the Fruit Bats." There is a bit of a prologue that will lead to the "War of the Fruit Bats" epic in "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," if you read close. I'm excited about this, those who know me understand that I love to draw fruit bats!!!
I'm close to posting page # 9 of the epic "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" ( NMMB) Radical Faerie Church soap opera here probably tomorrow. I started this epic with a few loose ideas, and wrote the first 9 pages sequentially, often not knowing myself what the next page would be. This past week I plotted out the rest of the story, which will run a total of 18 pages in length, so page # 9 will be the center point, besides being a fun full page illustration of NMMB last major deific Cernunnos . I've already roughed out the art for the completion of NMMB, and after 2 years of work it's very personally gratifying to see how it all ends.
NMMB of course is the central work for the first NOMEANSYES comix collection, so I'm very excited to finally figure out how many pages the first book will be: 40 pages plus covers. NMMB will be 18 pages, 11 pages of single page strips, plus I'm reprinting a 9 page story from my old Gay Comics canon titled "Our Love was too Cozmic" (OLWTC) written by Michael Goldberg, which is posted here under the "Vault of Underground Anthropologic Curiosities". Two major characters from OLWTC make a pivotal appearance in NMMB, which ties the two stories together magically. I thank all of my friends and fans for their encouragement and support that helped me get to this stage of our great Radical Faerie Church project, and for the rest of 2015 there will be plenty of new work posted here for you!
We have been enjoying great viewership numbers here, page # 9 of " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB) featuring the forest God Cernunnos is a hit. I enjoyed drawing that page very much, keeping it on my drawing board for about a month, noogling on the details while I was writing out the completion of the NMMB saga. This page is the center of the story, so I really wanted to put out something special. Later this year I'll be selling a limited hand colored edition of that page, sans dialogue, when I get the Radical Faerie Church Country Store up and running.
The introduction of Cernunnos is the last major arcana persona introduced into NMMB. I usually work numerological structures into my artwork, to give it an architecture, a framework to build upon. For NMMB I used combinations of 3 for the visuals and storyline. For example, I introduced Santa Muerte on page 3, Gaynesha on page 6, and Cernunnos on page 9. I like using numerological structures in my work because of how our brains react to patterns and subliminals. I like to give the viewer the pieces and clues so they can discover the story themselves. It's about building a connection with a viewer of a work, giving them a framework to start filling in the pieces of the puzzle themselves, that interaction helping to make the experience more real for them. For a work to have resonance with it's viewer, I've used the technique of presenting it like a crossword puzzle. A completed puzzle is not as interesting as being able to fill in the spaces oneself. I often think of a triangulation when I put a new artwork out there, a connection from me to the artwork to the viewer, which is why I often will use combinations of 3 to build upon.
About page #9 of NMMB: For Cernunnos, which there is scant mythological references intact, I started with the most recognized image of Cernunnos from the 2300 year old Gundestrup cauldron. In that image Cernunnos is wearing a sort of karate short-pants outfit, the designs of which I adapted to a full body tattoo. It's tricky drawing clothes for such figures, because fashion can very much tie down a character to a specific era or culture. So, I chose skyclad, which is classically timeless. Page #9 also has my spotted owl character, Which I first drew into comic strips in the late 1980's, and like Dr. Who has a knack for regenerating into diverse storylines I've written over the years. It was like drawing an old friend. Spotted owl will make a brief appearance on page # 10 of NMMB, which I'm finishing now, and should be posted here very soon.
I'm back in production anew this new year, working on the home stretch of "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" comic strips. I've been drawing ahead, but made yet more changes in the storyline I wrote out. The current page I'm working on includes the last set of new characters, and I've been stuck on one crucial sequence. I've got a batch of partially finished pages to wrangle, and I promise it will be fun and full of surprises. I'll also start adding more archived work into the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities page here, last fall I cleaned my basement and rediscovered a trove of old published art and commix works. We still are getting many visitors here, I welcome you to something truly different and far from today's gender gentrifications. and I thank those fans whom have stuck with this cultural oddity from the start throughout my fits and starts. The NOMEANSYES loyal troll corps have become oddly silent of late upon their social network battlegrounds, so no new NOMEANSYES troll awards either, alas.
I'm still picking away at several new strips to post here, hopefully soon. We still are getting a lot of people logging onto this site daily, some days well over 60 or more people stop by here for a looksy. (74 hits alone on March 23rd!) I thank my Radical Faerie Church Fans for sticking with this. Lately I've been scanning and sorting through many years of old published comix work, some of which I've been posting here in the archives. I've been a bit stuck with the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline, and since I've included my readers with this creative process, I'll share a bit of what's holding me up. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: In winding up the story, Walla storms off in her SUV with her beloved pictures of faerie ancestors, to throw herself upon the roots of the Grandmother Maple tree because She is angry that She does not have a dick. Meanwhile, the two main characters from my old Gay Comix work "Our Love Was Too Cozmic" ( see archives) return to Wolf Creek after a long absence, only to be run over and killed by Walla during her mad race to Grandmother Maple. Mugghoul then gets to add their names to his death book, as Cernunnos hunts Mugghoul down to retrieve his stolen snakes. This really furthers the story, but I've still been hesitant to draw the death of two old characters, even though this is only a work of rather silly fiction. I've plotted out other endings, but the grand death sequence still fits best the ethics of this work. This may change, but it still feels like the correct outcome. "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" is the foundation stone for my NOMEANSYES book, so I want to take the time to get it right, wanting to publish it soon. I'm not quite sure how to end the "Big White Honky" character, my first idea was to have it marry what is left of Mugghoul. Big White Honky has not been fun to draw at all.
UPDATE: Boy, I spill the beans here about the ending of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," and the hits to this page light up like a freakin' Christmas Tree! 63 hits in the span of a few hours! What is WRONG with you people!?!
I'm on my way back home from Phoenix, AZ, and am ready to drop a house on someone special to my loyal readership. I was able to promote NOMEANSYES Radical Faerie Church comix at Phoenix GLBTQ Pride, which is held early April as late June is just too damn hot there. For those new to this, the Radical Faerie Church is grand satire. As written above, this may not be your cup of tea, but those who get the joke do appreciate this work. There is a blog archive in the page list above where I've gotten into the how and why of this, The Most Radical Homosexual Comic Strip In The Universe.
In other news, the Radical Faerie Church Trolls have been busy doing what trolls love best. They won't go directly after my work online anymore, as that just builds readership. So, Stella and her droll troll corps natter at me about semantics and silliness, only further soiling themselves online. The Radical Faerie Church Troll awards for 2016 is now accepting nominations.
As usual I've been juggling far too many projects at once behind the scenes, so I'm catching up with posting some new material here at our lovely Radical Faerie Church comic strip romp. This past week our Radical Faerie Church got 342 page views, even though I've not posted anything new here recently. I thank my dedicated readership who have kept up with this, and welcome also to any new readers curious about this picture play at a cultural backwater far, far away. I'm also about to reboot the Facebook Radical Faerie Church Comix page soon. The next page of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" which I was able to work the bugs out of the script is about to get posted here very soon. I freely admit to over-editing my work, from my many years working for the press, I do enjoy the editing process. And here online I can live deadline free.
The latest issue of RFD magazine printed two pages of my Radical Faerie Church comic strips. the color pages of "Faggot Blood" written by Jerry the faerie, and page 9 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly. The reproduction could have been better, but still so far I've gotten positive responses. I also was recently interviewed by the Northwest LGBT History Project through Portland University recently about my activist / Comix / Radical Faerie history, when this interview comes available I will post a link here. I'm also putting together a book of my early comix from San Francisco/ Seattle/ Portland circa early 1980s through the early 90s. I started drawing comix in 1982 to raise awareness about the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic, and ended up with several hundred pages of comix and illustrations, activist art, etc., and recently there has been a growing interest about this history. I've not posted all of my strips here in the archives, I've been holding some back till the book gets published. And there are a few other mystery projects afoot, so watch out!
I'd again like to thank our many regular fans and friends for their continued support of our Radical Faerie Church comic strips. We still are getting many daily visitors here, we even topped 102 visits one day last month! Surprising, as I've been a bit slow to finish up and post new work here. Page # 11 of the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline was a big creative roadblock which took a long time , I kept re-writing it till it felt correct, and get the dialogue right. Page #11 also sets in movement the final resolution of the story, which accelerates with page #12 which I'm finishing up now. There are many more surprises ahead till we drop a house on Walla.
I'm back on the boards finishing up page #13 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly, it's the "death" page I've written about here before. Originally I had Walla hopping into a truck for what happens, which did not feel correct. A silly moped was exactly what the storyline needed. This project has been an amazing journey for me. As I finish up the last pages of NMMB, I'd like to reflect a bit about the chaotic nature around the creation of this particular work. The first big difference with NMMB and all of my prior cartoon strips is I threw out all the rulebooks I've used before with creating new works. Most all of the old artwork I've posted in the archives were collaborations of sorts: with friends, writers, editors, publications, etc. I realized I've never drawn a "pure" comic strip, a work free from all compromises to get published, to have to explain and validate it's worth. I saw NMMB as a study of both liberation and transformation, transformation being a common theme of my comics. Three years ago during a camping trip at 3,000 feet at American Ridge in an alpine wilderness just below Chinook Pass at Mt Rainier, I sketched out the first ideas. Simply started, it's a meeting of diverse NOMEANSYES members. I began drawing it page by page with absolutely no clue as to how it all will end. That was the fun and challenge of it, a leap of faith. Page by page the big story came together, slowly. At times I would hit a wall and have to walk away from it for awhile, till that blessed "AHA!" moment. I added characters, concepts in a willy nilly manner, keeping a panel structure based on threes to have a framework. Characters like Santa Muerte I pulled from background details as NMMB progressed, then Santa Muerte led to Gaynesha and Cernunnos, keeping to the architecture of threes. I played fast and loose with the prose and dialogue in contrast to the artwork. I've never done as much rewriting as I've done with NMMB. The writing influences and touchstones for this ranged from Shakespeare to the monologues of Johnny Carson (!) Last fall when I reached page #9 I knew where the strip would go, that was the middle of the story, and astute readers can note a total shift of tone which will escalate with the final four pages I'm completing now. There also will be a cover page and full page introduction to frame it all together, which I'm about finished with. That's why I've not posted new pages often of late, as I've been drawing ahead. This week I returned from another camp-out at American Ridge where I first came up with this idea for NMMB three years past. while sitting in a wildflower meadow dotted with indian paintbrush, under grand Ponderosa pine trees, the last dialogue flowed out, almost like automatic writing, and I'm very happy with the result. It's glorious, and probably my most expansive work to date. Read together, all of the NMMB pages will amaze you. It is breathtakingly original and bold, IMHO. So, NMMB will finish up within a few months. Then I can finally publish it, and we all will see what happens next...
I've enjoyed a busy summer amidst finishing up the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline. The lucky page #13, the new intro page, and the title art page are just about complete. I'm also designing t-shirts for an activist group I'm involved with, just got a commission to paint a mural for a bike shop, and a few days back spoke on a panel of HIV activist about a traveling exhibition about the early days of the HIV Pandemic, sponsored by the NIH. All this and camping out in the woods with friends during one sweet pacific Northwest August!
We wish a wondrous Day of the Dead for all of our dedicated readers, curious seekers, and even our bilious trolls . Our Radical Faerie Church troll corps have been behaving of late, we probably will end up handing out no new Radical Faerie Church troll awards at all for this year. It really has been only a few practiced on-line bullies who have bedeviled our little comic strip church. Recently at a coffee social I saw 2 of our most ridiculous on-line trolls, Carol and Kevin, together. Of course, when these trolls see you in public, they pretend that you are not there. Online they insist they know everything about you, or even as Kevin has posted in his personal attacks against me and my work, that he's my "friend." Bullies are cowards at heart, and Carol and Kevin are known in the real world for their many personal dramas that they drag into public groups. What does matter is our viewership numbers, we still get up to 80 or more visits to NOMEANSYES here each day even though I've not been actively promoting these comics. I thank my friends and fans for spreading the word about NOMEANSYES, a bigger success than I had hoped for. I'm finishing up the last 3 pages of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which equals enough pages to FINALLY publish in book form. Soon we will drop the house on Walla Marts.
Welcome to our new readers! I've been putting up new links to these comix as we come closer to the publication date for our first published collection for these Radical Faerie Church comix. There is a blog archive if any new readers wish for more details of this very curious project. I'm on the final home stretch for the final three pages of the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline, and I've been having some good fun with it before I left town for the Thanksgiving holidaze. Page #14 has the last appearances of Mugghoul and Cernunnos; drawing that old forest God Cernunnos was one of my favorite creations, while Mugghoul and Big White Honkey were my least favorite characters for this series. There just was nothing likeable about them, and I prefer drawing characters that are more nuanced, sympathetic, and unpredictable. I've also worked out several post NMMB single page strips that will be posted here next year. I've gotten such a good response for this series of Radical Faerie Church comix that I'll continue with it between other projects. Other projects? A new comic strip called "Trumperica." I was really hoping never to have to draw that cheeto-toned Hitler, but these are the times we now live in. It would be too easy to draw Trump as "Big White Honky" with a bad wig, both are pear-shaped despotic fallen clowns with control issues. Maybe Walla and Trump in a plot together to destroy the Universe? Maybe Walla becomes Trump wife #6? That would certainly suit Walla Mart's megalomania . The mere idea of having to draw a sex scene between those two fills me with utter revulsion. The next big NOMEANSYES storyline is still going to be "War of the Fruit-Bats." Also, please watch this space for news about our first published collection of Radical Faerie Church commix, finally I have enough strips drawn for a book!
2017 is becoming a busy year here beyond the chaos of the Trump abomination. A&U magazine is going to publish an interview with me, focusing on my HIV activism. I'm also going to speak on two panels about my cartooning at the upcoming "Queers and Cartoons" conference this April in San Francisco! And of course I'm finishing up several comic strips to complete my first book of Radical Faerie Church comics. I'm finishing up page # 14 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" which I'll post here soon. I'm also working on a Trump based comic strip titles "The Swamp." There also are a few post NMMB strips in the works, I hope to introduce several new characters into the fray. One will be a Sanctuary resident Torquemada, (another one!?!) along with our favorites Walla Marts, Mugghoul, and Big White Honky. I'm also working on a cross-over strip with Walla and Trump titled "Bride of Trump." So, thank you for checking out our curious Radical Faerie Church commix, 2017 promises to be an entertaining year for everybody.
I'm blogging from San Francisco Where I've been attending the 2017 Queers and Comics conference at the California College of the Arts. I'm writing this the morning of day two, the first day was a raging success. I got to speak about my comics on two panels that I was on, the first was about underground cartoonists and the second panel was on health. I'm still dazed and thankful over the overwhelmingly positive response my work has enjoyed at this event, which in a sense was a coming out for my Radical Faerie Church Funnies. It's so far difficult to gauge how many people have attended as the event is spread out across the campus. There are over 140 Queer cartoonists from across the globe, of many generations and stripes of the rainbow flag. I'm also near being weepy over seeing so many friends together from so many ages of my life so far, and I've been able to meet in person for the first time several facebook friends. Jerry the Faerie, who wrote several of these NOMEANSYES strips also attended, and I'd like to again thank him for helping create our Radical Faerie Church funnies. I put together a special edition of these comics for the conference, which are now nearly all distributed across the cartoon winds. next comes the officially published NOMEANSYES Comics book which will be available to purchase online, so please watch this space, as there has been positive developments towards this goal. Thanx again to all the fans of this project who have encouraged me forward through the storm clouds of doubt. The dream is very much alive.
The next day 4-16
The second day of the Queers and Comics Conference was Amazeballs. I got to connect with a lot of friends old and new, and got very encouraged and energized. This weekend was the official public unveiling of the Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES Comics which I've posted here. San Francisco has been a creative touchstone for me, I lived here twice during my life, first from 1981 to 1984, and this city helped forge my ethics and made me the person I am today. Part of me will always live here. For those new readers, the start of NOMEANSYES was troubled by trolling mostly from two Radical Faerie power players, Stella Maris and Leo Sunshine. Stella organized online prayer circles against my work in the time honored traditions of religious fundamentalists condemning comic strips, even calling into question my health and mental state. Leo posted across many public chat-rooms that my comics encouraged violence and Rape (?!?). Leo should understand that having a bad bi-polar day is poor excuse for practicing bad internet etiquette. This weekend, those same comic strips were applauded and appreciated by many, I really did get a lot of love for my comics at Q&CC 2017. A lesson to both Stella and Leo to better practice the "compassion" that they preach about while speaking out as self-appointed Radical Faerie" leaders." As the old Radical Faerie trope goes, Blessed be.
I'd like to again thank the many Nomeansyes fans who continue to visit this Radical Faerie Church, lately we've been receiving up to 80 hits a day! I'll soon post up the next to the last page for the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which I'm still putting through rewrites. I'm very excited about this epic's ending, once we drop a house on top of Wolf Creek's special spiritual despot Walla Marts. Special thanks for the nice mention by the Divine Spiraling Rainbow Tribe: http://divinespiralingrainbowtribe.blogspot.com/2017/05/mxing-it-up-at-queers-comics-2017.html
A very merry Lammas for all of our Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES fans and friends! Have you hugged your favorite lama today?
I'm working away on the very last page of NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly, The story involves Gaynesha, Dr. Cartoonist, a circle of men, and a surprise mystery guest! I'm hoping to get NMMB finished totally by the end of the month, so stay tuned here during the dog days of August. There also will be more new old comics and such posted into the archive sections listed in the bar at this page top. So far I've only posted a fraction of the body of my work here at our Radical Faerie Comic church. In the next few weeks I'll post some of my environmental comics and graphics from such as the "Earth First" journal.
Some have asked me what happened to Wolf Creek Gate-Keeper Walla Marts when the Nuttyryan elder cabin got dropped onto her in page # 15 of the NMMB saga. Yes, Walla is still very much alive and well as a fully functioning comic strip character ripe with the possibilities of getting hit by pianos or Nuttyryan elder cabins falling from the sky at any moment. Cartoons still follow basic rules of gravity, mostly. I'm looking beyond NMMB to draw several one page comic strips that will be more on the gag end of it. The first of these has the working title of " The Bride of Trump" !?!
It will be huge!
I just posted a nine page comic from 1988 titled "Restorations" in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section for your summer reading pleasures. The last page of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is also close to completion, and should get posted here within a week. We also are close to selling out the very limited edition of "Radical Faerie Church Funnies" pimped on our Hot Off The Press page, a sure fire collector's item fer shure!
The prologue page for " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is nearing completion, which will finish this near four year long Project. The prologue page will incorporate an earlier work I planned, titled the "Radical Faerie Devil's Dictionary, which may in time spin off into it's own book! The first page of the RFDD will be about the histories of Wolf Creek.
A single page NOMEANSYES comic is also in the works, introducing a new character Skippy magoo, who is an internet Trans activist. The Working title is "The Bride of Trump," in which a to be announced NOMEANSYES regular character we know and love will also make a guest appearance. Skippy Magoo will be the first Trans character I've drawn, and there is a damn fine line with getting the character correct. That balancing act of being both inclusive and respectful; a big challenge with cartoonery and caricature. Especially for a comic strip which bills itself as "The Most Radical Homosexual Comic Strip In The Universe." YOIKS!
We are kicking off September here at our Radical Faerie Comic Church by each day posting new and previously archived material for the next couple of weeks. The prologue page for "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" should be part of this posting bomb, I've been holding it back for such a special occasion, along with the first post NMMB single page comic strip which introduces our latest character Skippy Magoo, Trans internet activist. I'm doing this to thank our many dedicated viewers who keep faithfully checking in to see what's up. August was a very good month for us here at the Radical Faerie Comic Church, we even hit 91 views in just one day on August 24! So, watch the "Hot Off The Press" section each day for more surprises and art!
We again thank our dedicated fan base for sticking with us and this far-flung labor of comic strip radical faerie love. Our daily viewership numbers are still good. The NOMEANSYES limited edition book sold out months past, all money donated to a books for prisoners charity. We hope to properly publish the whole banana in proper form in 2018, so please watch for further updates, and new comic strips, along with what other projects Vaughn has been working on these past months.
I'm back in the ink after an extended sabbatical, and we thank our dedicated fans for their support with continuing to visit our comic Radical Faerie Church. We still enjoy good viewership numbers here at NOMEANSYES. There still are many stories to cartoon, more adventures with our Putin troll Walla Marts ( Watch out for the coming "Bride of Trump!") For those new readers here without a clue, dip your toes in for some answers in our extensive archives. We are not as fast as Walla is with replacing housemates in her Radical Faerie house "transfats," so tune in for more Radical Faerie commix fun!
I still am amazed and thankful with the high viewership statistics which we enjoy here each week at our Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES comic. Last week we had 592 people view our pages here, 2,541 page views, the greatest numbers being over the Day of the Dead holidays! Yes, we are overdue to post up some new strips, and as always I'm exceedingly grateful for the many fans of this rather unique and spirited comic strip who continue to check in with our adventures. The NOMEANSYES hierarchy of Walla, Mugghoul, and Big White Honkey still have many stories to play out here for your entertainment. Last time I checked, all three of 'em are diligently ramping up their ongoing lists of banished faeries. As their spirit Animal Trump would tweet : very sad. I hope to draw up a few new miss-adventures soon for you! So may all of you reading this never get included in Mugghoul's big bleeding book of the Radical Faerie Dead. It smells really funny by now.
Series # 3 of the Radical Faerie Church comix will be another serial story arc titled "War of the Fruit Bats." Regular readers of this blog may remember the chatter about this project a few years back. ( See Church Blog Archives ) This new series picks up where "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly ended, and introduces several notable new characters. The Old God Cis-Ulhu will be a part of it, along with the Great White Nomenosaur Regina Grace, and a whole flock of squids! Of course Walla, Mugghoul, and Big White Honky will return, along with fruit-bats both old and new for our dedicated readership. We still get up to 100 visits a day here at our radical faerie comic Church, so we are very pleased to soon offer our fanbase some spanking new adventures to follow. We are also still putting together the official publication of the prior NOMEANSYES series into book form, and hope to have some news about this soon.
The next day 4-16
The second day of the Queers and Comics Conference was Amazeballs. I got to connect with a lot of friends old and new, and got very encouraged and energized. This weekend was the official public unveiling of the Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES Comics which I've posted here. San Francisco has been a creative touchstone for me, I lived here twice during my life, first from 1981 to 1984, and this city helped forge my ethics and made me the person I am today. Part of me will always live here. For those new readers, the start of NOMEANSYES was troubled by trolling mostly from two Radical Faerie power players, Stella Maris and Leo Sunshine. Stella organized online prayer circles against my work in the time honored traditions of religious fundamentalists condemning comic strips, even calling into question my health and mental state. Leo posted across many public chat-rooms that my comics encouraged violence and Rape (?!?). Leo should understand that having a bad bi-polar day is poor excuse for practicing bad internet etiquette. This weekend, those same comic strips were applauded and appreciated by many, I really did get a lot of love for my comics at Q&CC 2017. A lesson to both Stella and Leo to better practice the "compassion" that they preach about while speaking out as self-appointed Radical Faerie" leaders." As the old Radical Faerie trope goes, Blessed be.
On this Labor Day I've downloaded some goodies into our Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities. I scanned new images off the original artwork from my 1980s era " Watch OUT!" Comix, the prior images were scanned from old zeroxes. My former scanner was too small to accommodate my original artwork, I draw larger than the actual printed size for detail's sake. Also included in the Vault are strips that have never before been posted online.
This comix page is catching well over 1200 unique hits a month, some days into 3 figures. So, till I get some new strips drawn up, I'm posting here forgotten dreams from a deep shadowy well of comix that in some cases have not seen light for decades.
Yesterday's exercise of posting in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities was popular, this site got 82 hits, and the statistics are already good early today. So, I just added an old Gay Comix work titled " The Tortoise and the Scorpion," so please enjoy.
I just downloaded 49 Portland Bird/ Cascadia comic strips into the lower section of the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities. We got even more hits here yesterday, so I wanted to post something substantial for your enjoyment. I put everything that I could into Cascadia, a snapshot of the politics of those days, oddly some of which are still relevant.
I'm off my summer break and back to work, hope to post some new NOMEANSYES strips here soon. I did post a 71 page story of old in our section titled Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities, so read " In The Flesh" there if you dare...
It's a ghost story, as it's getting to be that most special time of the year.
I'm still having a lot of fun posting up old work of mine here in our aforementioned "Vault" section. Today I posted a Gay Comix story published in 1991 titled " Castro Street 2000," and a 1988 comic strip sequence called " American Jesus." I've been sorting through my old artworks and have been scanning the lot, as some of the original artwork is deteriorating, as is the way with all things, it seems. For years I mostly dumped finished work into boxes, always focused onto the next project. I'm about done for awhile with the archive work.
I'm back to work on some new strips to post here, I thank those kind souls who give their encouragement. It's been a very busy fall for me, and I've missed my drawing board time, and am returning to a small pile of unfinished work . The big news is next month the Portland Public Library will be displaying some of my strips on the 3rd floor of the main downtown branch. Fun stuff, I'll keep it posted.
Yes, it has been an age since I've posted anything new here. I'm still fully committed to this project, and today renewed this site for another 2 years. We still are getting thousands of hits a month, and friends and fans keep asking me for more. So, stay tuned for more adventures of Walla Marts and her wacky cartoon pals!
Thank you much to the fans of this project for your continued encouragement and support. It's obviously been awhile since I posted up anything new here, and I am working up some new strips to post soon. Honest. During this time I've been exploring other projects, yet people still want to see more adventures about our little Radical Faerie Church and that wacky demagogue Walla Marts. We still enjoy thousands of visitors each month here, even with no recent strip activity from me. This week I hope to add some older work into the Vault of Underground Anthropologic Curiosities section here. Back to the Radical Faerie Church, Walla has been quite busy disappointing and manipulating her community, or as Walla puts it the "right use of social power and earned authority" which we have come to know Walla by. Walla is fun to draw, I've thought about adding some silly rubber horns and a big floppy hat to her fashion ensemble, often cartoon characters get stuck wearing the same uniform, like Charlie Brown's zig-zag shirt. See ya soon in the funny pages, my peeps!
I'm finishing up the next NOMEANSYES, written by Jerry the Faerie, which I hope to post here June 6. This promises to be one powerfully fun commix, I've enjoyed much working with Jerry, so please watch out for our next collaboration. Then I'll be back to "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" for a spell. When I wrote the first draft of NMMB almost two years back, I had a story beginning and ending, and not much filler, so I started drawing it out page by page to see where the action goes. After page # 5 of NMMB I knew I wanted to develop the story further than originally imagined, so I took a break to work out several possible directions to take. I'm not on any serious deadline with my Radical Faerie Church commix, my goal is to get enough drawn to collect into a book, including such merchandising as t-shirts and coffee mugs. This past year I worked out where I want to go with this and other projects I hope to create, and I have a renewed dedication. I try and draw original, "edgy" work that provokes ideas, and have some good fun with the material involved, and hope that comes out in the final draw. For NMMB I wanted to work out the entwined stories about Santa Muerte, Gaynesha, and the soon to be revealed Cernunnos into the fray. Santa Meurte's chicken Kitchen, or as
Walla insists " Chicken Hut," still gives me the giggles. And I do like drawing fruit-bats...It sure has been delightful to draw, so I hope that you, dear reader, can make some sense out of it all.
Cascade AIDS Project of Portland, Oregon wants me to draw up a series of posters and graphics, and a banner about "Housing is Healthcare." For many years I would create posters, flyers, and graphix for various activist and protest organizations, I've always had a love of handbills and protest art, besides political/cultural cartooning. Well, I'm very happy with this new commission, and using my art to get out an important message.
I've written the next two pages of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting badly," Walla still has her head stuck in the bucket, I fear. Walla's head-in-bucket dilemma began as a sight gag riffing on Winnie the Poo's honey pot, then I realized how I could mine it for comic gold. Walla will get her head out of the bucket, in time, but there will be even more comic/tragic consequences... I hope to post about one new page every week or so, I want to get the work finished as it will be the heart of the first Radical Faerie church comic book I've been wanting to get published. This online site has been the working gallery for that goal. The multitude of people who click onto here are money in the bank for getting this work published. Our monthly views for this work are still in the thousands. Again I thank my friends and fans for their support and encouragement.
For those reading this who are here because of my ever-busy special uber troll fan, who keeps getting more people to read my funny pages in her attempts to censer this comic work of radical faerie fiction, I really don't want people laughing at her about it, behind her back. Walla and her cartoon cahoots are composites of many influences and ideas, we really need compassion and to support those wrestling with their personal challenges. This funny strip is a work of pure fiction, the characters are made-up. This is a drag show, please for your own mental health get over it if you believe otherwise.
I'm close to posting here the latest instalment of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly (NMMB). I apologize over any confusion about my last promised posting of another strip written by my friend Jerry the Faerie. After I finished drawing it, I decided after some serious and difficult deliberation to hold off posting the final version here for awhile. It's an amazingly powerful work, but we both agreed the timing of this particular strip is crucial. You will see it here, in time, and I thank so very much Jerry's understanding and compassion.
Back to "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," I'm really getting a good feel about what this work will be about. I've been writing it one page at a time, but had a definite premise, beginning and ending in mind. I originally intended to end it with the primary characters utterly transforming themselves into the best that Radical Faeries should and could be. To quote radical activist Harry Hay," to shed their ugly green frog skins of hetero-normality." What I have in mind now is a bit different, and I hope more amusing and less didactic for this Radical Faerie comic church's many fans. I wasn't sure where to go with the characters of "MugGhoul" (MG) and "Big White Honky."(BWH) I did not think I was reaching the strip's potential with them. The fruit bats, of course, are always fun for me to draw. But MG and BWH just were not doing it for me. With the latest page of NMMB I feel I'm finally nailing what MG and BWH are about, and how they contribute to the story. MG's two snakes I figured out their purpose, originally they were included as a minor sight gag. Without giving away much, the snake's story will involve the old pagan Celtic God Cernunnos. I get to draw a full page about Cernunnos in the deal which is really delightful. Cernunnos also balances out the characters of Santa Muerte and Gaynesha very nicely, so hold onto your beads tight!
Technically, I'm switching to a better ink. The last ink I was using kept feathering on the paper, and made lettering difficult, also with the linework for the drawings. I think you will notice the upgrade in quality.
It has been brought to my attention that a for-real pagan fundamentalist has been taking umbrage with my work of fiction here, insisting that it is all about her. It is not, this Radical Faerie Comic Church is a fictional phantasm of dirty eunuch clowns, perverted fruit-bat capitalists, gender cyborgs, old gods, power-tripping ghouls, pagan fundamentalists, and whatever creature or thing I feel fit to draw. And Radical Faeries themselves, which I've drawn now for many a decade, just looky in the archives posted within. I fear my special pagan fundamentalist uber fan will only generate a silly season about herself trying to organize a Torch and Pitchfork brigade against cartoonery. Why do certain church ladies have nothing better to do? Could it be...CERNUNNOS!?!
I'm back in the drawing chair after a needed July break. July was also a silly season for the Radical Faerie Church Trolls (!?!) who were busy this past month trying to slam me and my work on a few Radical Faerie message boards. Jerry the Faerie posted online a Nomeansyes strip that I have not put up on this site yet which he wrote. I wanted to post Jerry's strip here when I'm close to publishing the first Nomeansyes collection, which will happen when I'm finished with the "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB)storyline. For those here interested as to just what is a "Radical Faerie," good luck. Look up "Radical Faerie" online for some shits and grins if curious. I'm also writing an essay about it all that I plan to post here titled " An Idiot's Guide To the Radical Faeries." This will be similar to the afore mentioned project here " The Radical Faerie Devil's Dictionary," I'm currently drawing up a page from said dictionary to add as a prologue to NMMB. I'm currently reading the complete works of Oscar Wilde, whose style is seriously affecting my prose.
As for those Radical Faerie Church Trolls, I'd like to proclaim special awards here for three very special and dedicated Bizarro fans of my work. I avoided posting responses to their troll-baiting as I was on vacation, and feeding online trolls is often stupid and useless. I did hear from many supporters of my work who were a bit shocked over such online bullying. Thank you for my friends and fans who do appreciate our little comic strip Radical Faerie Church. I fear I may have to post future awards, and I'm only using the affected parties chosen "Faerie Names," but for now here goes:
The "Gatekeeper, thy hinges are squeaky" award goes to Stella. Stella has followed me about online for well over a decade now, trying to "correct" me, making up history and motives about me, trolling me for being Gay, HIV positive, etc. She also continuously posts links to this site, which keeps promoting my comix, oddly. Stella's current rap about me is that I'm sick in the head, wounded, and sexist because of my comic strips that I post here. Historically religious homophobes, even those who insist that they love Gay men, use terms like" women hating," being "wounded," and "sick in the head" to label Gay men. Stella posted an online prayer-circle calling those She takes issue with those historically hateful words. Stella considers herself a "Radical Faerie Leader," an odd designation for what should be an anti-authoritarian social network. Stella is a "leader" inasmuch as she is able to at times rally torch and pitchfork brigades against those she labels as heretics, which makes her as happy as a pig in shit, sadly. Since Nomeansyes is a satire and parody about fundamentalists and power-trippers in tacky Radical Faerie church drag, Stella keeps insisting that it is about her, except when Stella insists it isn't about her. Walla Marts is not Stella, you see, unless Stella says it is. Or acts the part. The Walla Marts character is a composite of several religious fundamentalist characters I've drawn over the years (see archived work in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section here). The difference with Walla from my prior creations is Walla Marts is pagan and female instead of male and Christian, as religious fundamentalists know no sect or gender. I picked the name Walla Marts as a play on Wal-mart and the gentrification of Radical Faeries, which began as a social network by and for gay men. When Gay groups get gentrified, Gay interests can get marginalized, and now we see Stella leading "prayer circles" against Gay men that She takes issue with.
The "Read thine own beads, Starfucker" award goes to Leo Starfucker Sunshine. Leo has made a cause about posting screeds against my comix for several years now. Leo enjoys ganging up against people he considers enemies, which can get scary when he cycles through one of his semi-regular bi-polar episodes. On good days he creates interesting if overpriced jewelry out of such as broken bits of bowling balls. Leo posted on a Radical Faerie message board that he does not like how I draw balls, funny as it is.
Leo gets himself upset about the name of my strip "Nomeansyes," which he says when he googles "Nomeansyes," shows sexist material encouraging rape, ergo my comix must also encourage rape. I suggest Leo Starfucker google his own chosen name of "Starfucker" for more references that encourage sexism and rape, but I won't go as far as Leo Starfucker does in posting that because of his chosen name " Starfucker" that he encourages stalking, rape and sexism. According to the internet, Leo Starfucker, a "starfucker" is a stalker with sexual intentions. Please stick to polishing your broken balls, Leo Starfucker.
The " Lillies of the swamp sow gossip" award goes to Swamplilly. Swamplilly is a curmudgeonly gossip-monger who's chosen hobby is running down any he takes issue with, which as I've heard over the years is legion. It's a bit funny having somebody post that you are against something that he himself has rattled on about over the years, but since his boyfriend lords over the local Portland Radical Faerie message board, membership has it's privileges. Like using the message board to keep pimping for housemates, which continuously seem to disappear, because those Babylon Farm lilies at the end of the day stink.
Today I posted several selections from my sketchbook into the "NOMEANSYES Art Pit" section linked in the "More" heading at the top of this page. Included are a sneak peak at the artwork for pages 9 and 10 of the :NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" epic Radical Faerie soap opera. I'm working on three pages at once from the NMMB storyline. We hope to resolve the natty concern of Walla Mart's head being stuck in a chicken leg bucket dilemma once and for all. I originally intended for NMMB to be only 9 pages long, and obviously expanded my original storyline a bit. New ideas just keep coming, some influenced by audience reactions when I share limited posts of what I'm currently working on. Lately others have been posting links to my comix out of their own dedication to my artwork. Last month we had days of over a hundred page views here. This Radical Faerie Church comic strip is all still under development . One idea I discarded was the addition of the "Portland World Radical Faerie Gossip Court" and a new set and level of colorful characters. I thank several fans of my comix for their ideas, which has made this a better work for all. There also are a few new category pages up in the works here that I have under development, so please enjoy your dog days of August
I am still scripting out the rest of the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" saga and working out several other Radical Faerie Church related projects, mostly for the first official NOMEANSYES publication slated for later on this year. There will be an additional t-shirt design, and a series of collector cards, and a P.O.Box address to peddle it all out of. I'll probably also activate a chat-room to establish a better connection with my readership, which I'm sure will please a few notable Radical Faerie Church trolls. So, I've been busy with this, during a record breaking hot summer, out of a studio with no air conditioning. I'm going camping after writing this humble blog, and next week hope to post up some more goodies onto this site. We still enjoy good numbers of people clicking onto this, and I want to keep posting new fresh work for the growing NOMEANSYES readership.
The "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB) Radical Faerie Church epic soap opera till now I've written and drawn page by page, from a rough draft of a story instead of a finished script. This has been fun for me, but looking back at the output there are some glaring inconsistencies that I'm going back and correcting. I originally wanted NMMB to be 9 pages long, but new possibilities came to mind and the work grew in size and scope. NMMB will be the anchor of my first NOMEANSYES book, so I really got to get it right. I'm adding a prologue page of "The Radical Devil Faerie's Dictionary" before page # 1 of NMMB for those readers not familiar with what a Radical Faerie is. Many new readers here are from outside the Radical Faerie experience, and what I started as a niche project is growing beyond the original intent. The New York times recently published a major article about a Radical Faerie Sanctuary at Short Mountain, Tennessee, which has raised a lot of attention about the peculiar Radical Faerie social societal sub-set sect. Today Short Mountain, tomorrow Wolf Creek!
When I get the NOMEANSYES book finished I'll use my publishing experience to promote the heck out of it, something I've held back on while this Radical Faerie Church comic has been in development. I've posted limited previews, not wanting NOMEANSYES to peak before it's completion date. Now that more people are discovering NOMEANSYES and posting links to my comix here, I fear the rainbow gender-free unicorn has already left the Barn. So, I really have got to finish the first NOMEANSYES book, which will happen when I'm finally done with NMMB. I also plan to add some of my older Radical Faerie comix to the NOMEANSYES book to plump it up a bit more.
The second NOMEANSYES book will feature another longer story I've been sketching out titled "The War of the Fruit Bats." There is a bit of a prologue that will lead to the "War of the Fruit Bats" epic in "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," if you read close. I'm excited about this, those who know me understand that I love to draw fruit bats!!!
I'm close to posting page # 9 of the epic "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" ( NMMB) Radical Faerie Church soap opera here probably tomorrow. I started this epic with a few loose ideas, and wrote the first 9 pages sequentially, often not knowing myself what the next page would be. This past week I plotted out the rest of the story, which will run a total of 18 pages in length, so page # 9 will be the center point, besides being a fun full page illustration of NMMB last major deific Cernunnos . I've already roughed out the art for the completion of NMMB, and after 2 years of work it's very personally gratifying to see how it all ends.
NMMB of course is the central work for the first NOMEANSYES comix collection, so I'm very excited to finally figure out how many pages the first book will be: 40 pages plus covers. NMMB will be 18 pages, 11 pages of single page strips, plus I'm reprinting a 9 page story from my old Gay Comics canon titled "Our Love was too Cozmic" (OLWTC) written by Michael Goldberg, which is posted here under the "Vault of Underground Anthropologic Curiosities". Two major characters from OLWTC make a pivotal appearance in NMMB, which ties the two stories together magically. I thank all of my friends and fans for their encouragement and support that helped me get to this stage of our great Radical Faerie Church project, and for the rest of 2015 there will be plenty of new work posted here for you!
We have been enjoying great viewership numbers here, page # 9 of " Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" (NMMB) featuring the forest God Cernunnos is a hit. I enjoyed drawing that page very much, keeping it on my drawing board for about a month, noogling on the details while I was writing out the completion of the NMMB saga. This page is the center of the story, so I really wanted to put out something special. Later this year I'll be selling a limited hand colored edition of that page, sans dialogue, when I get the Radical Faerie Church Country Store up and running.
The introduction of Cernunnos is the last major arcana persona introduced into NMMB. I usually work numerological structures into my artwork, to give it an architecture, a framework to build upon. For NMMB I used combinations of 3 for the visuals and storyline. For example, I introduced Santa Muerte on page 3, Gaynesha on page 6, and Cernunnos on page 9. I like using numerological structures in my work because of how our brains react to patterns and subliminals. I like to give the viewer the pieces and clues so they can discover the story themselves. It's about building a connection with a viewer of a work, giving them a framework to start filling in the pieces of the puzzle themselves, that interaction helping to make the experience more real for them. For a work to have resonance with it's viewer, I've used the technique of presenting it like a crossword puzzle. A completed puzzle is not as interesting as being able to fill in the spaces oneself. I often think of a triangulation when I put a new artwork out there, a connection from me to the artwork to the viewer, which is why I often will use combinations of 3 to build upon.
About page #9 of NMMB: For Cernunnos, which there is scant mythological references intact, I started with the most recognized image of Cernunnos from the 2300 year old Gundestrup cauldron. In that image Cernunnos is wearing a sort of karate short-pants outfit, the designs of which I adapted to a full body tattoo. It's tricky drawing clothes for such figures, because fashion can very much tie down a character to a specific era or culture. So, I chose skyclad, which is classically timeless. Page #9 also has my spotted owl character, Which I first drew into comic strips in the late 1980's, and like Dr. Who has a knack for regenerating into diverse storylines I've written over the years. It was like drawing an old friend. Spotted owl will make a brief appearance on page # 10 of NMMB, which I'm finishing now, and should be posted here very soon.
I'm back in production anew this new year, working on the home stretch of "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" comic strips. I've been drawing ahead, but made yet more changes in the storyline I wrote out. The current page I'm working on includes the last set of new characters, and I've been stuck on one crucial sequence. I've got a batch of partially finished pages to wrangle, and I promise it will be fun and full of surprises. I'll also start adding more archived work into the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities page here, last fall I cleaned my basement and rediscovered a trove of old published art and commix works. We still are getting many visitors here, I welcome you to something truly different and far from today's gender gentrifications. and I thank those fans whom have stuck with this cultural oddity from the start throughout my fits and starts. The NOMEANSYES loyal troll corps have become oddly silent of late upon their social network battlegrounds, so no new NOMEANSYES troll awards either, alas.
I'm still picking away at several new strips to post here, hopefully soon. We still are getting a lot of people logging onto this site daily, some days well over 60 or more people stop by here for a looksy. (74 hits alone on March 23rd!) I thank my Radical Faerie Church Fans for sticking with this. Lately I've been scanning and sorting through many years of old published comix work, some of which I've been posting here in the archives. I've been a bit stuck with the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline, and since I've included my readers with this creative process, I'll share a bit of what's holding me up. MAJOR SPOILER ALERT: In winding up the story, Walla storms off in her SUV with her beloved pictures of faerie ancestors, to throw herself upon the roots of the Grandmother Maple tree because She is angry that She does not have a dick. Meanwhile, the two main characters from my old Gay Comix work "Our Love Was Too Cozmic" ( see archives) return to Wolf Creek after a long absence, only to be run over and killed by Walla during her mad race to Grandmother Maple. Mugghoul then gets to add their names to his death book, as Cernunnos hunts Mugghoul down to retrieve his stolen snakes. This really furthers the story, but I've still been hesitant to draw the death of two old characters, even though this is only a work of rather silly fiction. I've plotted out other endings, but the grand death sequence still fits best the ethics of this work. This may change, but it still feels like the correct outcome. "Nomeansyes Members Meeting Badly" is the foundation stone for my NOMEANSYES book, so I want to take the time to get it right, wanting to publish it soon. I'm not quite sure how to end the "Big White Honky" character, my first idea was to have it marry what is left of Mugghoul. Big White Honky has not been fun to draw at all.
UPDATE: Boy, I spill the beans here about the ending of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," and the hits to this page light up like a freakin' Christmas Tree! 63 hits in the span of a few hours! What is WRONG with you people!?!
I'm on my way back home from Phoenix, AZ, and am ready to drop a house on someone special to my loyal readership. I was able to promote NOMEANSYES Radical Faerie Church comix at Phoenix GLBTQ Pride, which is held early April as late June is just too damn hot there. For those new to this, the Radical Faerie Church is grand satire. As written above, this may not be your cup of tea, but those who get the joke do appreciate this work. There is a blog archive in the page list above where I've gotten into the how and why of this, The Most Radical Homosexual Comic Strip In The Universe.
In other news, the Radical Faerie Church Trolls have been busy doing what trolls love best. They won't go directly after my work online anymore, as that just builds readership. So, Stella and her droll troll corps natter at me about semantics and silliness, only further soiling themselves online. The Radical Faerie Church Troll awards for 2016 is now accepting nominations.
As usual I've been juggling far too many projects at once behind the scenes, so I'm catching up with posting some new material here at our lovely Radical Faerie Church comic strip romp. This past week our Radical Faerie Church got 342 page views, even though I've not posted anything new here recently. I thank my dedicated readership who have kept up with this, and welcome also to any new readers curious about this picture play at a cultural backwater far, far away. I'm also about to reboot the Facebook Radical Faerie Church Comix page soon. The next page of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" which I was able to work the bugs out of the script is about to get posted here very soon. I freely admit to over-editing my work, from my many years working for the press, I do enjoy the editing process. And here online I can live deadline free.
The latest issue of RFD magazine printed two pages of my Radical Faerie Church comic strips. the color pages of "Faggot Blood" written by Jerry the faerie, and page 9 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly. The reproduction could have been better, but still so far I've gotten positive responses. I also was recently interviewed by the Northwest LGBT History Project through Portland University recently about my activist / Comix / Radical Faerie history, when this interview comes available I will post a link here. I'm also putting together a book of my early comix from San Francisco/ Seattle/ Portland circa early 1980s through the early 90s. I started drawing comix in 1982 to raise awareness about the growing HIV/AIDS pandemic, and ended up with several hundred pages of comix and illustrations, activist art, etc., and recently there has been a growing interest about this history. I've not posted all of my strips here in the archives, I've been holding some back till the book gets published. And there are a few other mystery projects afoot, so watch out!
I'd again like to thank our many regular fans and friends for their continued support of our Radical Faerie Church comic strips. We still are getting many daily visitors here, we even topped 102 visits one day last month! Surprising, as I've been a bit slow to finish up and post new work here. Page # 11 of the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline was a big creative roadblock which took a long time , I kept re-writing it till it felt correct, and get the dialogue right. Page #11 also sets in movement the final resolution of the story, which accelerates with page #12 which I'm finishing up now. There are many more surprises ahead till we drop a house on Walla.
I'm back on the boards finishing up page #13 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly, it's the "death" page I've written about here before. Originally I had Walla hopping into a truck for what happens, which did not feel correct. A silly moped was exactly what the storyline needed. This project has been an amazing journey for me. As I finish up the last pages of NMMB, I'd like to reflect a bit about the chaotic nature around the creation of this particular work. The first big difference with NMMB and all of my prior cartoon strips is I threw out all the rulebooks I've used before with creating new works. Most all of the old artwork I've posted in the archives were collaborations of sorts: with friends, writers, editors, publications, etc. I realized I've never drawn a "pure" comic strip, a work free from all compromises to get published, to have to explain and validate it's worth. I saw NMMB as a study of both liberation and transformation, transformation being a common theme of my comics. Three years ago during a camping trip at 3,000 feet at American Ridge in an alpine wilderness just below Chinook Pass at Mt Rainier, I sketched out the first ideas. Simply started, it's a meeting of diverse NOMEANSYES members. I began drawing it page by page with absolutely no clue as to how it all will end. That was the fun and challenge of it, a leap of faith. Page by page the big story came together, slowly. At times I would hit a wall and have to walk away from it for awhile, till that blessed "AHA!" moment. I added characters, concepts in a willy nilly manner, keeping a panel structure based on threes to have a framework. Characters like Santa Muerte I pulled from background details as NMMB progressed, then Santa Muerte led to Gaynesha and Cernunnos, keeping to the architecture of threes. I played fast and loose with the prose and dialogue in contrast to the artwork. I've never done as much rewriting as I've done with NMMB. The writing influences and touchstones for this ranged from Shakespeare to the monologues of Johnny Carson (!) Last fall when I reached page #9 I knew where the strip would go, that was the middle of the story, and astute readers can note a total shift of tone which will escalate with the final four pages I'm completing now. There also will be a cover page and full page introduction to frame it all together, which I'm about finished with. That's why I've not posted new pages often of late, as I've been drawing ahead. This week I returned from another camp-out at American Ridge where I first came up with this idea for NMMB three years past. while sitting in a wildflower meadow dotted with indian paintbrush, under grand Ponderosa pine trees, the last dialogue flowed out, almost like automatic writing, and I'm very happy with the result. It's glorious, and probably my most expansive work to date. Read together, all of the NMMB pages will amaze you. It is breathtakingly original and bold, IMHO. So, NMMB will finish up within a few months. Then I can finally publish it, and we all will see what happens next...
I've enjoyed a busy summer amidst finishing up the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline. The lucky page #13, the new intro page, and the title art page are just about complete. I'm also designing t-shirts for an activist group I'm involved with, just got a commission to paint a mural for a bike shop, and a few days back spoke on a panel of HIV activist about a traveling exhibition about the early days of the HIV Pandemic, sponsored by the NIH. All this and camping out in the woods with friends during one sweet pacific Northwest August!
We wish a wondrous Day of the Dead for all of our dedicated readers, curious seekers, and even our bilious trolls . Our Radical Faerie Church troll corps have been behaving of late, we probably will end up handing out no new Radical Faerie Church troll awards at all for this year. It really has been only a few practiced on-line bullies who have bedeviled our little comic strip church. Recently at a coffee social I saw 2 of our most ridiculous on-line trolls, Carol and Kevin, together. Of course, when these trolls see you in public, they pretend that you are not there. Online they insist they know everything about you, or even as Kevin has posted in his personal attacks against me and my work, that he's my "friend." Bullies are cowards at heart, and Carol and Kevin are known in the real world for their many personal dramas that they drag into public groups. What does matter is our viewership numbers, we still get up to 80 or more visits to NOMEANSYES here each day even though I've not been actively promoting these comics. I thank my friends and fans for spreading the word about NOMEANSYES, a bigger success than I had hoped for. I'm finishing up the last 3 pages of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which equals enough pages to FINALLY publish in book form. Soon we will drop the house on Walla Marts.
Welcome to our new readers! I've been putting up new links to these comix as we come closer to the publication date for our first published collection for these Radical Faerie Church comix. There is a blog archive if any new readers wish for more details of this very curious project. I'm on the final home stretch for the final three pages of the "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" storyline, and I've been having some good fun with it before I left town for the Thanksgiving holidaze. Page #14 has the last appearances of Mugghoul and Cernunnos; drawing that old forest God Cernunnos was one of my favorite creations, while Mugghoul and Big White Honkey were my least favorite characters for this series. There just was nothing likeable about them, and I prefer drawing characters that are more nuanced, sympathetic, and unpredictable. I've also worked out several post NMMB single page strips that will be posted here next year. I've gotten such a good response for this series of Radical Faerie Church comix that I'll continue with it between other projects. Other projects? A new comic strip called "Trumperica." I was really hoping never to have to draw that cheeto-toned Hitler, but these are the times we now live in. It would be too easy to draw Trump as "Big White Honky" with a bad wig, both are pear-shaped despotic fallen clowns with control issues. Maybe Walla and Trump in a plot together to destroy the Universe? Maybe Walla becomes Trump wife #6? That would certainly suit Walla Mart's megalomania . The mere idea of having to draw a sex scene between those two fills me with utter revulsion. The next big NOMEANSYES storyline is still going to be "War of the Fruit-Bats." Also, please watch this space for news about our first published collection of Radical Faerie Church commix, finally I have enough strips drawn for a book!
2017 is becoming a busy year here beyond the chaos of the Trump abomination. A&U magazine is going to publish an interview with me, focusing on my HIV activism. I'm also going to speak on two panels about my cartooning at the upcoming "Queers and Cartoons" conference this April in San Francisco! And of course I'm finishing up several comic strips to complete my first book of Radical Faerie Church comics. I'm finishing up page # 14 of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" which I'll post here soon. I'm also working on a Trump based comic strip titles "The Swamp." There also are a few post NMMB strips in the works, I hope to introduce several new characters into the fray. One will be a Sanctuary resident Torquemada, (another one!?!) along with our favorites Walla Marts, Mugghoul, and Big White Honky. I'm also working on a cross-over strip with Walla and Trump titled "Bride of Trump." So, thank you for checking out our curious Radical Faerie Church commix, 2017 promises to be an entertaining year for everybody.
I'm blogging from San Francisco Where I've been attending the 2017 Queers and Comics conference at the California College of the Arts. I'm writing this the morning of day two, the first day was a raging success. I got to speak about my comics on two panels that I was on, the first was about underground cartoonists and the second panel was on health. I'm still dazed and thankful over the overwhelmingly positive response my work has enjoyed at this event, which in a sense was a coming out for my Radical Faerie Church Funnies. It's so far difficult to gauge how many people have attended as the event is spread out across the campus. There are over 140 Queer cartoonists from across the globe, of many generations and stripes of the rainbow flag. I'm also near being weepy over seeing so many friends together from so many ages of my life so far, and I've been able to meet in person for the first time several facebook friends. Jerry the Faerie, who wrote several of these NOMEANSYES strips also attended, and I'd like to again thank him for helping create our Radical Faerie Church funnies. I put together a special edition of these comics for the conference, which are now nearly all distributed across the cartoon winds. next comes the officially published NOMEANSYES Comics book which will be available to purchase online, so please watch this space, as there has been positive developments towards this goal. Thanx again to all the fans of this project who have encouraged me forward through the storm clouds of doubt. The dream is very much alive.
The next day 4-16
The second day of the Queers and Comics Conference was Amazeballs. I got to connect with a lot of friends old and new, and got very encouraged and energized. This weekend was the official public unveiling of the Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES Comics which I've posted here. San Francisco has been a creative touchstone for me, I lived here twice during my life, first from 1981 to 1984, and this city helped forge my ethics and made me the person I am today. Part of me will always live here. For those new readers, the start of NOMEANSYES was troubled by trolling mostly from two Radical Faerie power players, Stella Maris and Leo Sunshine. Stella organized online prayer circles against my work in the time honored traditions of religious fundamentalists condemning comic strips, even calling into question my health and mental state. Leo posted across many public chat-rooms that my comics encouraged violence and Rape (?!?). Leo should understand that having a bad bi-polar day is poor excuse for practicing bad internet etiquette. This weekend, those same comic strips were applauded and appreciated by many, I really did get a lot of love for my comics at Q&CC 2017. A lesson to both Stella and Leo to better practice the "compassion" that they preach about while speaking out as self-appointed Radical Faerie" leaders." As the old Radical Faerie trope goes, Blessed be.
I'd like to again thank the many Nomeansyes fans who continue to visit this Radical Faerie Church, lately we've been receiving up to 80 hits a day! I'll soon post up the next to the last page for the epic "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly," which I'm still putting through rewrites. I'm very excited about this epic's ending, once we drop a house on top of Wolf Creek's special spiritual despot Walla Marts. Special thanks for the nice mention by the Divine Spiraling Rainbow Tribe: http://divinespiralingrainbowtribe.blogspot.com/2017/05/mxing-it-up-at-queers-comics-2017.html
A very merry Lammas for all of our Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES fans and friends! Have you hugged your favorite lama today?
I'm working away on the very last page of NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly, The story involves Gaynesha, Dr. Cartoonist, a circle of men, and a surprise mystery guest! I'm hoping to get NMMB finished totally by the end of the month, so stay tuned here during the dog days of August. There also will be more new old comics and such posted into the archive sections listed in the bar at this page top. So far I've only posted a fraction of the body of my work here at our Radical Faerie Comic church. In the next few weeks I'll post some of my environmental comics and graphics from such as the "Earth First" journal.
Some have asked me what happened to Wolf Creek Gate-Keeper Walla Marts when the Nuttyryan elder cabin got dropped onto her in page # 15 of the NMMB saga. Yes, Walla is still very much alive and well as a fully functioning comic strip character ripe with the possibilities of getting hit by pianos or Nuttyryan elder cabins falling from the sky at any moment. Cartoons still follow basic rules of gravity, mostly. I'm looking beyond NMMB to draw several one page comic strips that will be more on the gag end of it. The first of these has the working title of " The Bride of Trump" !?!
It will be huge!
I just posted a nine page comic from 1988 titled "Restorations" in the Vault of Underground Anthropological Curiosities section for your summer reading pleasures. The last page of "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is also close to completion, and should get posted here within a week. We also are close to selling out the very limited edition of "Radical Faerie Church Funnies" pimped on our Hot Off The Press page, a sure fire collector's item fer shure!
The prologue page for " NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" is nearing completion, which will finish this near four year long Project. The prologue page will incorporate an earlier work I planned, titled the "Radical Faerie Devil's Dictionary, which may in time spin off into it's own book! The first page of the RFDD will be about the histories of Wolf Creek.
A single page NOMEANSYES comic is also in the works, introducing a new character Skippy magoo, who is an internet Trans activist. The Working title is "The Bride of Trump," in which a to be announced NOMEANSYES regular character we know and love will also make a guest appearance. Skippy Magoo will be the first Trans character I've drawn, and there is a damn fine line with getting the character correct. That balancing act of being both inclusive and respectful; a big challenge with cartoonery and caricature. Especially for a comic strip which bills itself as "The Most Radical Homosexual Comic Strip In The Universe." YOIKS!
We are kicking off September here at our Radical Faerie Comic Church by each day posting new and previously archived material for the next couple of weeks. The prologue page for "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly" should be part of this posting bomb, I've been holding it back for such a special occasion, along with the first post NMMB single page comic strip which introduces our latest character Skippy Magoo, Trans internet activist. I'm doing this to thank our many dedicated viewers who keep faithfully checking in to see what's up. August was a very good month for us here at the Radical Faerie Comic Church, we even hit 91 views in just one day on August 24! So, watch the "Hot Off The Press" section each day for more surprises and art!
We again thank our dedicated fan base for sticking with us and this far-flung labor of comic strip radical faerie love. Our daily viewership numbers are still good. The NOMEANSYES limited edition book sold out months past, all money donated to a books for prisoners charity. We hope to properly publish the whole banana in proper form in 2018, so please watch for further updates, and new comic strips, along with what other projects Vaughn has been working on these past months.
I'm back in the ink after an extended sabbatical, and we thank our dedicated fans for their support with continuing to visit our comic Radical Faerie Church. We still enjoy good viewership numbers here at NOMEANSYES. There still are many stories to cartoon, more adventures with our Putin troll Walla Marts ( Watch out for the coming "Bride of Trump!") For those new readers here without a clue, dip your toes in for some answers in our extensive archives. We are not as fast as Walla is with replacing housemates in her Radical Faerie house "transfats," so tune in for more Radical Faerie commix fun!
I still am amazed and thankful with the high viewership statistics which we enjoy here each week at our Radical Faerie Church NOMEANSYES comic. Last week we had 592 people view our pages here, 2,541 page views, the greatest numbers being over the Day of the Dead holidays! Yes, we are overdue to post up some new strips, and as always I'm exceedingly grateful for the many fans of this rather unique and spirited comic strip who continue to check in with our adventures. The NOMEANSYES hierarchy of Walla, Mugghoul, and Big White Honkey still have many stories to play out here for your entertainment. Last time I checked, all three of 'em are diligently ramping up their ongoing lists of banished faeries. As their spirit Animal Trump would tweet : very sad. I hope to draw up a few new miss-adventures soon for you! So may all of you reading this never get included in Mugghoul's big bleeding book of the Radical Faerie Dead. It smells really funny by now.
Series # 3 of the Radical Faerie Church comix will be another serial story arc titled "War of the Fruit Bats." Regular readers of this blog may remember the chatter about this project a few years back. ( See Church Blog Archives ) This new series picks up where "NOMEANSYES Members Meeting Badly ended, and introduces several notable new characters. The Old God Cis-Ulhu will be a part of it, along with the Great White Nomenosaur Regina Grace, and a whole flock of squids! Of course Walla, Mugghoul, and Big White Honky will return, along with fruit-bats both old and new for our dedicated readership. We still get up to 100 visits a day here at our radical faerie comic Church, so we are very pleased to soon offer our fanbase some spanking new adventures to follow. We are also still putting together the official publication of the prior NOMEANSYES series into book form, and hope to have some news about this soon.